@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: The RIGHT TIME to PICK OKRA, plus taste test!

#okra #growyourfood #latebloomer
Harvesting okra, and the right time to pick it. BE OBSERVANT, don’t miss the right time to pick OKRA. City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! Subscribe so you won’t miss out!

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

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  1. Don't underestimate your crop. I have a neighbor down the mountain who puts out a cooler on a chair and puts in whatever she has. One morning I'm sure I was the first one to stop and she had 1 dozen eggs (I bought them), 1 Cherokee red tomato that was quite blemished on top (I gladly bought it), 1 red tomato that had some very small blemishes (that's nothing, I bought it), maybe 2 dozen cherry tomatoes (I bought 4), and maybe a dozen cucumbers most were small pickle size (I bought maybe 5). She sells them for $8 a basket, $4 a half basket. What I bought didn't even fill 1/2 basket but gladly paid $4 for the veggies. Because I grow tomatoes the blemished top of the Cherokee red didn't bother me at all especially since they are my favorite & am not growing them this year and what I do have has refused to ripen. Heck, there's even a business that is based on less than perfect veggies. You make a little pocket change and you make someone else's day and nothing goes to waste. Win – win. ☺️

  2. Love okra. I eat it raw off the stalk. Wonderful for balancing blood sugar.

  3. You will be harvesting okra every single day now! How exciting! It sure will take off and get away from you! Your garden is lovely! My sweat is sweating lol! I am ready for fall.

  4. Kaye, Oh my gosh…your garden look fabulous! I had a big pea harvest in the spring of snap peas, sugar peas and shelling peas…I dehydrated alot for soup later or to add to dishes. I took the rest and flash cooked them, ice water bath, dry and flash froze them, then vacuumed sealed and in the freezer. I am so glad I did. I shelled all of them watching youtube people I follow like you! I would dehydrate that spinach for powder for seasoning food or flash cook, ice bath, dry, flash freeze and then vacuum seal it for later. I loved eating my spinach from the from the fall. I would dehydrate that okra too since they are too big. Your right your garden changes so much in one day so each day your gotta really inspect!

  5. Kay, I just stuff 12 home grown peppers and made a small sauce with my tomatoes. In the freezer they go for the winter! i didn't meet my goal for canning this year, but its a start!

  6. Plot love me real nice along with crape myrtles. Lots growing must watch every day under the leaves. Good luck harvesting . Early morning is best.

  7. Kaye's videos are so entertaining compared to my wife's anxious-ridden TV 📺 programs. Thanks for uploading.

  8. I about died when I saw you eat the okra raw… I told my husband when I pick tomorrow I’m gonna try that.. we live in Alabama… didn’t get to plant our garden till early June… on third picking now… love love watching your channel❤️

  9. Egyptian spinach also known as jute leaves. They are eaten in many parts of the world. Stems used to make jute twine

  10. By the way, if you can break off the tip of the okra then it's still young enough to eat!! Learned that from a friend

  11. I thought that I would want a shower afterwards! I can feel the scratchiness! I planted mine way late so I am waiting here in South Dakota!

  12. I have Okra seed but did not plant any. As a rule, I have not enjoyed Okra in the past due to the texture not the taste. I will give it another go next year. Glad you have it and like it. By the way, more of my previously planted (weeks and weeks ago) seeds have now sprouted – more watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, carrots and lettuces. It is going to rain again tonight and the temperatures are mid-90s days with 60s at night so cooler. Your red Crepe Myrtle is gorgeous by the way.

  13. Hi Kaye! I love okra raw, sliced in circles, dipped in buttermilk then tossed in self rising corn meal. Fry in some lard. Not diet food but delicious!
    Cut into circles throw them in freezer on cookie sheet so they don’t clump together. Put in freezer bags, add to soup or fry up later. We all keep learning and making mistakes, keeps us humble! 💗

  14. Wow and wow about the okra it's a beautiful forest! I love okra !thanks for all the life lessons learned 💖🙏💖😻😽

  15. Okra is like squash and cucumber I take it. I always break out in a rash when picking my squash! Lol! Okra is one of the only plants I dont like. They were always too slimey to me.It looks amazing though!!! You are definitely inspiring!!! Thank you!!

  16. How many ounces or pounds of peas do you think you will set aside for drying to use a seed for next year? The other thing is if you dry them you can turn them in to P powder for P protein or you could dry them store them then later package them and see if there is a local unique seed and feed store that would be willing to sell late bloomer peas for seed. Or you can see if there’s somebody that would give the peas to a local food pantry.

  17. You’ll have plenty of okra seed for next year. What’s the seed from the okra dries there are some places in the world where people use okra seed they roast it like coffee adhere grind it up and drink it.

  18. I've never had raw okra…never have grown okra…judging by your expressions, it's something I must grow next year and try!

  19. You need to get one of those rolling seats. You sit on them and roll between the rows. Some are plastic some are metal.
    Good luck .

  20. Egyptian spinach you can harvest, wash, chop and freeze. Use like chopped spinach. Mediteranian stores sell it frozen.

  21. Allll weeee are saaaaayinnnng…. is give peas a channnce…… comme on everybody, sing with me! … Allll weeee are saaaaayinnnng…. is give peas a channnce!!! ;))

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