Backyard Garden

Build a dog-friendly backyard (Fox 31)

Dan Daru and Elizabeth Bublitz discuss features that you can build into your landscaping to accommodate your dog. By observing your dog’s habits, you can find ways to make the backyard a fun, livable space for humans and pets alike.

Aired 7/5/2011 on KDVR Fox 31 Denver.


  1. This guy’s an ass! And if you’re going to bring any pet, especially dogs, home then you owe it to their benefit to make a space just for them! Especially when considering plants and gardens and not picking plants for their beauty but having a safe, healthy selection that avoids toxicity and promotes nutrition. That it don’t take on the huge responsibility of adopting one!!!

  2. im sure they'd be much more happy with just a empty yard to run in. Throw some trees and then they get an obstacle to run around and a place to get shade.

  3. No entiendo inglés pero me imagino ,que están contando la pesadilla que todos vivimos cuando tenemos perros en nuestra yarda y sii asi esta la mia igual de fea y aparte.. Estaba esperando el after que paso 🧐

  4. He was rite in asking. Have you already done this yard? It looks horrible. And I bet someone paid big money for that randomized mess. ALL of the pavers are laid incorrectly. The vertical stacked pavers are even wrong. This looks like a yard that's being accessed for a makeover. The before shot

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