
I wasn't Expecting this SO SOON! First Frost & Gardening Tips

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  1. heheh " like an heirloom might would" ….. Is that really how Southerners talk?

  2. can you get organic seed tape carrots or sometimes here they have wrap clay around them radishes to

  3. We already had our first snow. Nothing stuck because Lake Superior is too warm just yet. We are 10 minutes from the big lake.

  4. I live in east NC and our first frost is generally around Halloween but it's predicted tonight! It seems like a lot of areas are getting early frost. 🥶

  5. Hello 👋 Holy Waters Homestead here…
    One ☝️ idea… you could start a few compost piles in the greenhouse to help generate heat..

  6. Oh my!! Finally an informative video as opposed to a sales video. I appreciate learning something from you about carrots.

  7. Our first frost last year was a good 2-3 weeks late but this year it’s about right on time which is annoying. 😂 We’re having 2 nights of 28° but then the lows are back up to like 50 so it’s a weird cold snap I guess.

  8. Hi Jill, do you have any advise with a low tunnel verses a high tunnel?? Just wondering, I know you don't have a low tunnel..

  9. I suppose it was about time for us to have our first frost here in central OH, yet I didn’t expect you to have one this soon. However, my cousin who lives in the NW corner of your state sent a picture of light snow or very, very heavy frost on her doorstep a day or two ago! I had to be out in my car today and there was a mixture of sleet and freezing rain! We had frost last night, so I brought my plants in from the patio yesterday. If this is any indication of what our winter will be like, we are all in for a bad one! I really hope that’s not going to be the case. We are to have a very mild weekend coming up, but after that, not so warm. Of course, it will also be very close to November! Enjoy the veggies in your high tunnels! ❤

  10. I’m in 7A E Tennessee. I harvested all my tomatoes and peppers. I have pounds of green tomatoes. Today, I harvested the bok choy, celery, and mustard greens because they don’t do well below 28F. I’ve put some cloches on the remaining sensitive plants – napa cabbage, parsley (hope it works) and I overwintered the pepper plants and brought them into the garage along with a bunch of my other plants I have in containers. I’ll bring them in and out for the full 4 nights.

    I saw a YouTube weather channel say that this was a slight release of cold from the arctic polar vortex which normally stays tight but this year is a bit wobbly and loose. Lots of records being broken for cold early this year.

    Looking forward to next week when I won’t have to keep bringing my plants in every night lol.

    I’ve been looking up recipes on green tomatoes lol.

  11. The weather has been crazy. Our days still get up to almost 90 but last night it went down to 30, which is about 2 months early for where we live.

    Everything in the tunnel is looking really good!

  12. It is very normal to have frost by mid October. This thing that happens is it will frost and warm back up for a bit. But it has stayed cold before also… On Monday I lost everything… I started my new job & didn't have time to move my buckets inside… Very said. But my Elle-May loves garden leftovers…

  13. I hate thinning! I always overseed thinking "it's fine I can thin later". Then they grow and I don't want to kill or waste seedlings lol 😆

  14. I am a Hudson Valley girl but now live in Central Kentucky and just recently found out about Hudson Valley Seed Co.!!!! I will be buying some seeds from them this winter for next year's garden!

  15. Frost has hit here in NJ, but so far only on ground level plants. Tomatoes and peppers still look good. Even zucchini in raised beds are growing well!

  16. I’m in central AR too and I can’t believe how early of a frost we’re getting. I remember plenty of sweaty halloweens. Very bizarre and I was not prepared for it either. I had to pick so many green tomatoes!

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