Container Gardening

Harvesting and Cooking Sweet Potato Leaves (Container Gardening)

Jessica shows us her potted plants and talks about growing sweet potatoes and harvesting their edible leaves for a nutritious meal.

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We are a husband and wife team who decided to make the leap from living the city life to an off-grid homestead. We have no training in carpentry or electrical work. We’ve come armed only with two Permaculture Design Certificates and a whole lot of determination.

Join us on our journey to move beyond a sustainable lifestyle into a regenerative one. We chose to live in the desert because we love the location and we wanted the challenge of bringing this desert landscape into productive abundance.


  1. Such a good video Jessica!! And to think we gave ALL our sweet potato leaves to our Turkeys! lol Guess it will pay off at Thanksgiving! But after seeing you cook them up Im definitely going to try this next year!

  2. I would toss that with some rice and onions, for sure! I really like the editing, especially when Jim didn't know he was being recorded for like an entire minute. Also, Jessica! Great camera presence!

  3. I had no idea that you could eat sweet potato leaves. We’ll have to try cooking some up sometime. I think ours are too old now. I’ll have to look at them again. This is our first year growing sweet potatoes and they did great in our greenhouse. I’ve heard that you dig them up after the first frost when the leaves wilt. That’s pretty cool that a few escaped into the soil.

  4. The wonder of nature baby. We need a tool to dig. Mother Nature just needs a fragile root. Will try out the tater leaf salad. Thanks.

  5. I’ve never tried sweet potato leaves, they look like you can use them like spinach. I’m planning to grow some this year, so we’ll try it! I think I would toss in some mushrooms and put it all in a frittata.

  6. One among my favorite greens. This year we are planning to plant our sweet potato in an area where it can grow wild and hopefully comes back year after year. I hope to have a supply of this greens longer than one season.

  7. Ours had a lot of vine but no good taters 😖 you got more taters from yours than we did ours. Sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family…if you eat enough morning glory seeds you will start hallucinating…just sayin'.

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