Gardening Supplies

How to Organize Your Garden Supplies

Gardening season is here and Jill Bauer helps you keep all your supplies organized and in one place.

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Everybody loves to go outside and garden. We often forget how many supplies you need and how it’s nice to have everything with you all at the same time. So, a garden cart like this is something that I love to use, not only to keep all my tools and supplies together, but it makes it easy for me to haul it on out to wherever I’m going to be gardening or planting or mulching so that I can have everything that I need. There’s nothing worse than getting there and then realizing that I left something back in the garage. So, this doesn’t take up a lot of room, but it’s very sturdy. It can hold about 150 pounds. So those extra-large bags of potting soil and mulch, great for transporting them, but plenty of room to store them if you have some left over. There are compartments inside this cart, so from your smallest tools to even your long brooms, your spades, your spearhead shovels, you can attach those right on the outside so that you have those wherever you go too. There’s room inside for your boots, there’s room inside for things that you’re not quite sure if you’ll need them that time, but boy if you do need them, they’re right there at the ready. And the other nice thing about this is because of the wheels, these are an oversized wheel and they really allow you to go over all kinds of terrain. So, whether you have rocky soil, whether you have a little bit of a hill, it might be your driveway, it could be just thick, boggy grass, these will go through no problem what so ever. The other great thing about this is when the garden season is over, you can clean-up your tools and put them away. This cart actually collapses, so it’s really easy to use for other things. I love keeping this in the back of the car and hauling other things like those big bags of dog food, but it stores easily when you’re not using it and the best part of all perhaps is that there’s no assembly. It’s going to come to you and all you do is open it up and it’s ready to go. So, the next time you need to organize your garage, in particular, all of your garden supplies this spring, keep this cart in mind. It will come in handy in more ways than one.

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