Garden Plans

Companion Planting Made Easy! How To Guide

Companion planting made easy a how to guide for all gardeners. Help support our family and channel! Shop Amazon through this link:

Companion Planting For Broccoli

Tools And Products We Own And Recommend For Your Homestead:
Dewalt impact driver:
Granite Ware water bath canner:
Bear Grease waterproofing compound:
Greenhouse film:
DB Smith pump sprayer:
Marbles small camp axe:
Cold pressed orange oil:
Sea-90 organic mineral fertilizer:
Pure neem oil:
Red Dragon flame weeder:

Products We Own And Recommend For Your Garden:
Flame Weeding Torch:
Worm Castings:
Neem Oil:
Rock Phosphate:
Chapin Garden Sprayer:
Garden Ties:
Professional Weed Barrier:
Greenhouse Film:

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  1. amazing, this solved why I should not be to close to some people in school, because they really do not like me! But, so they try to sit near me to see my computer and how I answered this hard math question!

  2. So when they say these don't go together, is it because they use the same nutrients from the soil? or they will counter each other's pollination? I've heard both.

  3. Thanks for the detailed video, can you please share info on companion plants for okra ? it will be helpful

  4. Why don't you use flowers as companions. They are great and put pazazz in the garden. I did enjoy the video. thanks

  5. Hey it’s my first time seeing your channel. I appreciate the way you get to the point. I am grateful for your info… I’m from
    Australia… I do get a little confused with some of your terms… peppers (chilli- in Australia)… I realise you mean capsicum I think? I was told that carrot appreciates onion as it keeps away the pests that eat the carrot? Is that not right? I guess I’ll get it in time. Thanks again.

  6. Thankyou for you video. I am a slightly confused though when it comes to carrots, I have read and been told that alliums are the perfect growing companion for carrots as they help discourage carrot root fly.
    Can you please explain why they are not suitable together.

  7. Hi, i would like to know where to order asparagus, i am from Philippines and i cannot find asparagus seeds here. I love asparagus so much. Can you help me buy asparagus in your country?

  8. Thank you for sharing. I’m a YouTube gardener too trying to learn as much as I can about companion planting and gardening. It’s my 3rd year and I know I still have so much to learn. That’s how I found your channel . Im so happy I did because you have so much to offer. I hope we can learn from each other. Happy Planting!

  9. Not sure where your getting your information.
    Planting onions, specifically spring onions, with carrots is a classic combination that many gardeners swear by.
    The smell of onions deters carrot root fly from the carrots while the smell of the carrots helps to deter onion fly from the onions – Highly beneficial pairing and companion gardening. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. I'm thinking of buying a house plant such as a Kentia Palm. Can I add a herb, like Mint to the same plant pot? I like the idea of adding some foliage and interest to the soil and also an aroma to the room. Is this a good idea? Would it be beneficial to either plant or is it pure madness and potentially harmful to the palm?

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