Gardening Supplies

Summer Gardening – Planting and Watering

Summer Gardening – Planting and Watering – In this video I go over the things I am doing to maintain the plants in my landscape during the heat of the summer. I am getting very little rain compared to normal this season.

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How to plant in clay.
How to plant in clay. Short video.
How to plant in sandy soils.
30 Allen Rd. Clayton, NC 27520


  1. Very helpful! I’m in 7b and have planted a lot this spring. We had a lot of rain last month and now nothing with 100 degree days. Thank you for the tips!

  2. Very helpful information. We had such a cool and wet spring here in zone7a. Now it’s terribly hot, humid and no rain. Everything is under stress. I’ll be outside this evening pruning off the new growth tips. Your expert advice is greatly appreciated.

  3. Can’t wait for the “Black Diamond” Or “Delta series” Crape Myrtle propagation. Thanks for the video.

  4. When you prune your salvia, do you just prune the flower stalks or should I prune the entire plant?

  5. I like the closed captioning, my husband is hard of hearing and I know how helpful the captioning is for folks. And thanks for the info on the drought stress wilting. Know what I'm going to do tomorrow. Happy Independence Day.

  6. Your videos are very informative and helpful. I always learn a few new tips to help keep my plants healthy and happy. Thanks for creating great content!

  7. Hi Jim. I have a year old black diamond crepe Myrtle that I moved from it’s original planted area in my yard and (2-3 months since transplanting) all leaves have fell off and not come back. The other 3 I moved (all in the same bed) at the same time all are doing great. I did scratch the bark and it’s green. Should I leave it and see if it comes back next year, or cut back to the ground, or it’s a goner? All the trees are about 3 feet high and I water heavily, regularly with the TX lack of rain. Thanks for helpful video.

  8. First of all, all your vids are helpful. Second, i love longer vids and dont even consider this long, so keep them coming. Next, co,or me green with envy over those 40 boxwoods! Dont know what they run in your area, but out here that size is a minimum of 30 each, probably more, which is why i havent planted my longed for box hedges. Finally, i am old and it is only in the last few years i have started to hear people say you cant plant in the july and august months. Shoot, i grew up on a farm in the deep south and, lol, that would have been nice, but i know it isnt true. What really amused me was to hear a nursery owner out here in the Pac NW say that, keeping in mind that hot here only lasts a relatively short time and, while we dont have AC for the most part, it still isnt as consistently hot here in Aug as it can be in May and early June in the deep south. 😀 we do have to water often as, believe it or not, as wet as it might be other times of the year, we do not get rain in the summer. Already, we have had a terribly dry spring and last summer went for 88 days with no rainfall.

  9. I'm so happy I found your channel! I bit off more than I can chew after buying a home in upstate new york and I'm up to my ears in planting and maintaining my garden. your videos are so helpful.

  10. This is FANTASTIC watering information. We had a very wet fall and winter of 2018/2019 especially during the 10" of rain we received during Hurricane Florence, but our usual drought time came early this summer. After planting much new material I have had to water a lot, prompting me to begin installing above-ground drip irrigation. Your videos for installing drip have greatly helped me in this process, and I am already so pleased with this new way of watering. Thanks again for all this knowledge.

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