Edible Gardening

Edible Garden Australia // Unusual Homegrown Food // W 12 YR 2

Join me , Bren , as I go on a wonder around my Autumn cottage garden here in N.S.W. Australia. We will take a look at 2 unusual edible growing in my backyard : West Indian gherkins and New Guinea Bean gourds.

Here’s a list of what I grow in Autumn / Winter :
Cauliflower, broccoli, Asian greens , peas , kale , sliverbeet , radish , turnip , parsnip , beetroot , carrot and lettuce.

Here’s a list of what I grow in Spring / Summer : Tomatoes , chilis , cucumbers , zuchinni , beans , pumpkins , squash , eggplant and okra.

Check out www.gardenate.com for more detailed information for your area.

If you live in Australia here is a list of some of the many fantastic seed companies out there: Diggers , The Seed Collection , Boondie Seeds , Eden Seeds and Australia Seed.

Please follow me on Instagram @ggthegardengirl , my Facebook page GG THE GARDEN GIRL and for quick garden inspiration check out my TikTok account @ggthegardengirl.

You can contact me via email at gggardengirl@yahoo.com or at

Brenda Cunningham,

PO BOX 510 ,
Picton 2571,

Music credit : Feeling Fine on Video.guru.

Thanks for watching !

See you next week ,



  1. Wow just fantastic Bren! Loving your garden 😁 those new Guinea gords look fascinating. So many beautiful flowers 😍 oh those Dahlias! ❤ beautiful vid thank you and I have been wandering around munching on cucamelons lately, its been so good. Also ripening capsicum just as it hit $15/kg in shops is so good, and tastes so much better than any capsicum I ever bought! I hope more people really get into growing their own food, it is just amazing to taste the difference have a great weekend Bren xx😋😋🍅🍆🍁🍁

  2. Just popped in real quick to say you look GORGEOUS seriously rocking the grey hair! I hope i look as lovely and lively as you when i get my greys!

  3. I had yellow pear tomatos they were prolific and great!!! I get my seeds from theseedcollection website where abouts do you get your garden supplies?
    Ive just harvested some spaghetti squash butternut squash red kuri put in radishes peas parsnips got more stuff to put in too. Im in arid qld though so my garden isnt as green or abundant as yours! Plus we have nut grass everywhere along with like 10 different types of weeds 😱😱😱 im not a fan of weed killer so other than physically pulling them out ive not done anything (we rent) ive bought a pomegranate a yellow paw paw and a black mulberry for fruit trees.

  4. Looking good as always Bren!! Wish my garden looked as lush as yours!! We could do with some of that rain though!! Cheers!!

  5. Love looking at your garden. Your children must love playing and joining you in the backyard, especially in these difficult times. I miss our old back garden which was very large. In our current house we are on a smaller block (better for my ageing knees) and we have managed to find spots for a couple of larger vegetable beds. We have utilised pots and other useful containers as we find them. Thanks for sharing your garden.

  6. Wonderful video! Wondering if you do anything to keep your garden healthy from pests and non beneficial insects? I always had trouble with aphids.

  7. Hi! I’m a new subscriber and I am just in love with your channel! I am all the way in New Hampshire (US) and we started a garden last year. We’re looking for another property to move to and to expand on. The soil by us is extremely dense (lots of clay) so we will have to build lots of raised beds if we want any root veggies. Your whimsical garden is just lovely and very inspiring. My kids love to watch you! I hope you continue to upload and stay safe in these scary times! I’m wondering how many years it has taken you to achieve such a gorgeous space?

  8. Hi Bren, I was just wondering where you got the cucamelon seed from. Bec I live in Act and can’t find them. I love your garden it is looking good

  9. Hi..that veggies with the spongy center is a squash that is grown alot in the West Indies. You can peel it and stir fry it with chicken.

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