Japanese Garden

The Gourmet Vegetable That Time Forgot

Wait! It’s not quite time to hang up your boots for the season yet. There’s a crop you can still sow that will give you some of your earliest harvests of 2023 if you get them in now!

It’s the vegetable that time forgot, the humble broad bean or fava bean. The long lost legume you’re going to love! Ben tells us all we need to know to grow these nutritious, delicious plump treats in this week’s episode.

Love beans? Watch these videos next:

Growing Beans From Sowing to Harvest

5 Best Bean Poles, Frames and Supports for Your Garden

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  1. Fascinating video about Faya Beans. I can't say if or when I've ever eaten them, but you have now piqued my interest! I'll keep an open mind if I ever come across these bean seeds. THANK YOU!!!!

  2. concerning the netting.. should I use that kind or some other kind or method for my grapevine in the summer? My problem is animals, birds and squirrels will literally eat all the grapes and I also still want access to the leaves because I use them in my cooking. what's a girl to do? Any guidance would be appreciated. thank u!

  3. Fava beans are delicious and so hearty. Love them especially fresh from a garden. Maybe I will plant them one year! 🥰

  4. In the whole of the middle east, wherever you go they make fulle mdamas (difficult to translate the phoenetics in english but I'll try my best)
    fulle= fava beans mdamas = mixed with lemon, garlic and olive oil. sometimes they also add cumin, chopped herbs, like a little parsley, diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and sometimes hardboiled eggs to the top. and served with pita bread. There are many recipes I'm sure here on the tube from the basic simple to more additions. Popular for anytime of the day and very filling and flavorful. Kind of similar to what you made Ben! 💚

  5. LOL, Ben, you crack me up! Fava beans also seem to produce abundantly. I'll remember that when I'm having an old friend for dinner!

  6. Broad beans are my favourite type of bean with many ways of cooking them. I have grown Aquadulce, The Sutton and Witkiem Manita. I am thinking of an autumn sowing around my no-dig plot instead of a green manure and have been researching suggested varieties. I know the three above are recommended but have just come across Field beans, such as Vespa, as an alternative. More pods but with fewer beans and possibly more akin to the ones used in Egypt. Any thoughts

  7. My favourite snack when I was a kid, and my parents would let me go and help myself to them in the garden whenever I wanted. Now I grow them myself, and still love them purely as a quick 'fast food' snack, as do any children who come here. I've never bothered with cooking them – just pick and eat on the spot. Better than anything sugary as a snack!


  8. My favourite is an Arabic recipe:

    Fry the beans in a tiny bit of oil in a pan. Add onions and garlic if you want. Throw in some stock and some rice (if you cook meat separately use the left over water from lamb or beef also works good). Add rice and cook, then finally add lots of dill towards the end

  9. I was taught that soaking beans and draining the water once or twice before cooking them will decrease the levels of phytic acid in the beans–it is the phytic acid that leads to the notorious gas buildup.

  10. Please, be careful with bird netting. I have heard of birds, rabbits, and even snakes getting entangled in it. 😕

  11. Dip, risotto and ful medames are my favourite… it is spring here and the fava are growing full strength ..love them.

  12. Yep, they’re the best. Chose your time and you can grow them in the subtropics, as I do in 🇦🇺. Flowers and foliage are even better than the seeds as food.

  13. In a part of Sweden called Småland, it used to be very common to eat "bönegröt" – bean porridge. You mash one part fava beans with two parts potatoes, milk, butter, salt and a little white pepper. Serve with smoked pork or bacon and lots of lingonberry jam. 🤤😋

  14. My fav is fava beans with chanterelles in coconut milk. You cook your fave beans, meanwhile soute some onions either in oil or ghee – that's my favourite, add some salt, then the mushrooms. Once the fava beans are cooked add them to the mushrooms and onions. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook for a few minutes, then add coconut milk. Cook until fava beans are tender. I also like to break the skin of fava beans before I add them to mushrooms and onion, so they will acquire more test of the whole mixture. But that is not necessary. Buon appetite!

  15. Ben , as usual , awesome video 💯Can I grow them in zone 7 right now ? Also , I saw that you have covered them : is this cover for the entire winter ?

  16. No, that's not true in zone 9 you can still plant lots of stuff !! Peas, broad beans, radices, spinach… 🌱🌱🌱😎

  17. I appreciate the silence of the lambs insert. I was thinking it as soon as you said what beans they were 😅

  18. Mine are just coming thru.
    My absolute favourite veg…
    Feed mine on a 50/50 mix of tomorite and liquid seaweed once a fortnight. Get plants nearly 6ft high..
    A family tradition first bean meal..

    Grilled Back Bacon.
    New potatoes ( covered in bacon fat).
    Broad beans.

  19. I absolutely LOVE fava beans! They're delicious. There are so many ways to cook them. My favourite is ful medamas, which is a bit like humous, but way better. You can also make falafel from the ripe beans. I wait for my fava beans to ripen because I like them best like that.
    The Royal horticultural society seems to think that fava bean rust isn't treatable but spraying with copper sulphate helps.
    Happy growing everyone!

  20. If you look up "Three authentic and easy shakshuka recipes" on the Middle Eats channel here on you tube, you will find a delicious recipe for an Egyptian version of Shakshuka that includes fava beans. The recipe uses tinned fava beans but I have made it with the ripe home grown variety and it was incredibly delicious (no eggs required).

  21. I’ve just covered all my beds with a thick layer of rotted manure for the winter. Should I sow these beneath the manure or can I sow them actually in it?

  22. Interesting, towards the end is that a slight impersonation of Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs🤔😆😆

  23. All my Fava beans died, by mid spring… a chilly night killed the leaves back 1st. Not frost. They are a "picky" big bean, here.
    I WANT to try again next spring. So, I need to find more bean seeds.

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