Gardening Supplies

Mycorrhizal Fungi – Turbo Boosted Plants The Easiest Way! #mycorrhizae #gardening #allotment

#gardening #mycorrhizae #tomatoes

Mycorrhizal Fungi – Turbo Boosted Plants The Easiest Way! #mycorrhizae #gardening #allotment

Today on Grow It I’ve got all the information you need about how to use mycorrhizal fungi. You may wonder ‘can I use mycorrhizal fungi on established plants’ or ‘how does mycorrhizal fungi work’, well hopefully this video will help you to find those answers!

Mycorrhizal fungi is a natural way to boost nutrient and water availability to your plants, which means better drought resistance and reduced need for fertiliser use, what’s not to like about that?!

Mycorrhizal fungi products are the best way to really take your plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit to the next level. What plants can I use mycorrhizal fungi on? All of them! Well, nearly all of them. Brassicas don’t like to get involved with fungi, so almost all.

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  1. Thanks for posting this. I just learned about this yesterday and absolutely fascinated. I collect rainwater and place the mosquito dunks in the barrel and wonder if the bacillus in the dunks are safe for the fungi? Any ideas?

  2. The scientific name for the mosquito dunk bacilli is Bacillus thuringiensis serotype israelensis

  3. Just curious what are the mycelium specimens in the mix? Does the bottle say?
    Great video loved the humor… I bet the grape plant will 💘 the mycelium.

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