Gardening Supplies

Food Gardening : How to Protect a Tomato Garden From Unexpected Frost

An unexpected frost has the potential to wipe out your entire tomato crop. Protect a tomato garden from unexpected frost with help from a longtime gardener in this free video clip.

Expert: Frank E. Buker
Bio: Frank E. Buker, also known as Farmer Ed, was raised on a farm in Maine, and has a lifetime of experience gardening.
Filmmaker: Alfredo Rodriguez

Series Description: Different types of fruits and vegetables will require different planting techniques and care to properly maintain. Learn about food gardening with help from a longtime gardener in this free video series.

1 Comment

  1. For colder climates, or for hassle free early planting, I suggest a WaterCage. They are much easier to set up than a wall of water, and they don't ever fall over. We have a demo video on our youtube channel (EarlySpringLLC)

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