Edible Gardening

My Life in Appalachia 25 | Fall of the Year & Our First Fire in the Wood Stove!

Along with celebrating and preserving Appalachian heritage and culture I’m always hoping to shine a light on the good life that I live in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina. I hope you enjoy this peek into my life.

Song: If Today Was the Day written by The Louvin Brothers. Performed by Corie, Tipper, and Paul.
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Celebrating Appalachia
PO Box 83
Brasstown, NC 28902

Visit Blind Pig and The Acorn here: blindpigandtheacorn.com

Find The Pressley Girls music here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0o2n1IkGL93VmbTtVrtbsg

Find Blind Pig and the Acorn music here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-qASEdDmIEW_q02Og1nStw

Buy my family’s music here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlindPigAndTheAcorn and here: https://www.etsy.com/ThePressleyGirls/listing/568026603/the-pressley-girls-when-it-ends-in-a

Buy Chitter’s jewelry here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/StameyCreekCreations

#Appalachia #AppalachianMountains #MyLifeInAppalachia


  1. Beautiful land. Just gorgeous. Workin hard and livin comfortable. As intended. Amen. I like that you would show a simple cheeseburger and taters with I assume keefer water and your peck of pressley pickled peppers. Simple….no frills…that bun looked tasty. I mean…. that and a fire and some ol timey gospel on very nice guitars. Seems to me one could get used to such opulence. Stay warm gang.

  2. Y'all had me feeling like company watching this video. Thanks for providing me with a nice start to the day. Blessings to y'all.

  3. This is my favorite one so far….love the sound of the water, the falling leaves but most of all the music….just beautiful.

  4. It was my first year growing nasturtium this year. I tried a recipe for pickling the seeds with part of my seeds and seed saved the rest. I dehydrated some of the flowers and leaves too for tea concoctions. It was a beautiful plant.

  5. I love Nasturtiums , not just looking at them.. I love eating them in salads or like you ..I go through the garden Rip a leaf and eat it. Love them . Mine has never looked like yours,.. yours is beautiful..

  6. Tipper, I probably enjoyed this video more so than any one of your others thus far. I guess it was because it had varied content. The outdoor scenes, Matt's demonstration of the Kindling Cracker, the family music, and of course your cannin' and cookin'. The only thing missing was seeing both the girls, Granny, and Olive…..LOL. P.S. Matt probably doesn't know this, but for many people who don't know how to start a proper fire in a wood stove, he just provided a great how to lesson.

  7. Hi family … don't get insulted but if you have YouTube on your telly please please tune into "TUBERS WILL BE LARGE AND ABUNDANT" … If you grow sweet potatoes in a … E-Y Gardening
    Just trying to help.
    Be blessed … Maria

  8. I was wondering if green peppers/squash would keep for more than a week…Now I know what to do…Thank you💕…also love the calming sounds of water/leaves..fall!👍

  9. This made my heart so happy! I could feel the cold frost, smell the leaves in the forest, and the chimney smoke. Loved the singing.

  10. I’m desperately looking for a black walnut sorghum candy recipe that my grandmother used to make. Do you have any recipes for this? Thanks so much.

  11. Percolated coffee! 😊 All the food looks tasty! 😋 You're having a gorgeous fall, great photography of it. Thanks for the beautiful full version of that song y'all wonderfully did. 🌼

  12. I'm down here in Blue Ridge, Ga. Just stumbled across your video. The whole video was great, but I sure enjoyed that song, singing and picking. Talented family .. the old dove sounded awesome!!!

  13. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this video from beginning to end. This is my favorite time of year. The food looked wonderful. I bet Nasturtium leaves would be good on a roast beef sandwich like lettuce, with tomatoes and Mayo. I want to get one of the wood splitters you and Matt showed us. How handy! And, last but not least, the song at the end touched my heart and made my toe tap. Thank you so much. ❤️

  14. Our trees are almost completely nekked. One day glorious colours, next day none. Our temperatures have been in the 70s. the last couple of days. Warm for our part of the world. Eastern Ontario, Seaway Valley.

  15. I love that in your videos you show how, in these beautiful mountains that we are fortunate to live in, that each season has its own sound. When we step outside, it even has its own feel. It’s something that we can experience each day. ❤️

  16. Here I was thinking you and Matt would have this video all to yourselves, then Paul and Corie show up at the end for a musical finale to the festivities! Have you been eating a lot of the cushaw the last few days?

  17. Thank you Tipper! Enjoyed seeing the leaves fall and the sound of the creek! Matt knows how to build a fire! I've lived in a city a good portion of my life only lately have had to build a fire when we had snow and rolling power blackouts here in central Texas

  18. It’s simply beautiful where you live. And all you meals you prepare for Matt, even a sandwich, are made with love.

  19. That asia persimmon is how you got your japanese bugs.

    Thanks for the shots of the mountain scenery. When you walk outside and there are no trees hiding you neighbors houses, it is like you are standing in public naked; no privacy.

  20. Mr. Needs a small tractor with a box blade. To fix that drive way. Plus he can use that for a lot more

  21. I wasn’t raised in the country but have lived in the country a lot of my adult life. Your videos make me think of how I was raised. And triggers memories of things long forgotten. Thank you for the memories that I didn’t have for years. Enjoy Granny while she’s here with you.

  22. Very nice fall video to enjoy. When you freeze the cubed squash for your soup, does it all freeze into one clump or stay in the chunks? The first fire is so good, even if it is not that cold.

  23. 🙄🤔
    I know the seasons ripe for a surplus of Turkey parts…
    Just to be clear…nobody is making a mess mixin' stuff into my comment re: Turkey balls…
    as some viewers might have a hen house or two out younder
    Turkey Balls—are Meat Balls,
    but they are made with a big chub of lean ground turkey.
    I mix in fixins…
    a big handful of flour
    a smaller handfull of cut oats (half cooked)
    about a spoon of sesame oil with three times the olive
    two broke eggs (shells optional)
    a reasonable ammount of salt and white pepper
    dust of I-tialian seasoning
    an unreasonalbe ammount of chili pepper and paprika
    a clove of chopped fresh garlic
    a whole finger of fresh tumeric (you decide which finger)
    ginger was gone but I like lots of that company
    as you like: worchester, soy, umammi,
    ( if you dare a small amount of fish sauce)

    Mix till it looks like something you't rather not eat.
    If you'r faith is stronger than your stomach.
    chill a bit to firm up the slurry
    dollops plopped on pan clean pan
    baked until shy of dry
    eat'em like biscuits,
    mixed with eggs
    torn up in vege soups,
    easy peasy,
    won't make ya queasy

  24. There isn't much I can say about how much I appreciate being able to spend time with you and your beautiful surroundings. Thank you for sharing

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