Japanese Garden

【Project.53】石が浮かぶ庭を作った。Making a very special Japanese garden in a Spa resort.

施工庭師:田中直志 / Naoshi Tanaka

撮影施設:とき温泉 KAMABA

□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

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  1. Having over 20 yrs of concrete experience and knowing it shrinks and expands, I'm wondering how you are keeping the water inside the display. Is the black paint some sort of sealant?

  2. Wonderful abstract idea. Love the look of the floating stones over the reflective water. And the interchangeable display just adds to the splendour.👍

  3. Reminds of the sacred Ishi no Hoden 'floating megalith and the floating rock structures of Ebisu-Iwa & Daikoku-Iwa. Especially the art ot Ushio Sakusabe, Hanging Stones. Great inspirations for a modern contemplative garden

  4. I remember the first Japanese Garden video I saw, it felt like being enveloped in a warm soothing blanket. I had a very calming effect watching the videos. After my father-in-law had passed, my wife and I created our version of a small Japanese garden in our backyard to honor him. Thanks very much for what you do to make the world better looking.

  5. Очень впечатлило! Такой тоненький слой воды и при этом просто бездонная глубина, и растение в горшке, что плывет по воде, и парящие камни… Ваша работа прекрасна!

  6. Very unique garden! The fake stones look so real! Thank you as always for showing us something new!

  7. This garden is very special and being interchangeable it could be a small display area for local artist to show their wares. 👏👏👏

  8. At first I thought they were crazy, hanging these heavy stones in such a risky way. But how wrong you can be. The idea with the black painted concrete and the thin layer of water on top is really great. I could also imagine that it would look great if these "stones" were overgrown with moss from which water dripped into the pool.

  9. Something about the metal holding the "rocks" seems off to me. I'm thinking that maybe there can be some sort of balance added there with a fire element (unless the sun is considered that element, but what about at night?), or that instead of metal, the frames could be made with something natural, like bamboo, unless that was done as a way to connect to the style of the building that is next to it. Was it? This is something that is hard to truly appreciate on TV, as I'm sure what I see on screen doesn't truly do it justice compared to how it is in person. I would have liked to hear more about the details from the artist as to his concept, why he chose and did certain things, and the meanings behind it. From a purely aesthetic personal point of view, I would have preferred a softer, more natural garden where the edges are softened by grasses or moss, and the frames made by bamboo or gnarled black tree branches. I also question the reasoning of the choice of a dark color of the background fence. Was that done solely to help with the reflective properties of the pool, or was there also another reason for it? Also, what was behind the choice of a horizontal fence rather than a vertical one? Was it to balance out the lines from the metal frames?

  10. Loved almost everything about this garden—except the hanging rocks. They immediately made me think of dead bodies hanging from a gibbet. Creepy. I’d hang potted plants instead. Then I would love this garden. Great video!

  11. Absolutely incredible. Enjoyed the modern take of this one and the originality of the floating stones that could be replaced with seasons.

  12. Sort of a modern Japanese garden.. Love the idea of a floating bonsai tree

  13. In Japan, Japanese gardens with trees, stones and water are very familiar and commonplace.

    The reality is that Japanese gardens are no longer interesting to the majority of Japanese people.

    Therefore, on the contrary, this kind of innovative idea was very unexpected and many customers actually looked into this garden.
    If it were simply a beautiful Japanese garden, it would not be seen to this extent.

    I felt that this work is unique to Japan, where the value of Japanese gardens has matured.

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