Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Garden Tour Early-May 2022: Zone 6a, Ohio

Welcome to the first vegetable garden tour of 2022 💚🌱 !
I am growing in Zone 6a, Ohio and focus on growing things I love to eat (vegetables, fruits & herbs), with a few flowers thrown in here & there- primarily for the pollinators.

I grow a vegetable garden at my home and share in the work of the larger vegetable garden at my parent’s home- In this video I share what’s growing now & plans for the 2022 gardening season at both locations.

Related Videos:
May 2021 Garden Tour-
Getting Red of Moles in the Garden-
How to Plant & Care For Strawberries-
Creating New Garden Beds in Clay Soil-
Spring Bed Prep-
Growing Overwintered Onions-
Pre-Sprouting Pea Seeds-
Winter Sowing-
No Dig Potato Bed-
Why Plant Garlic in the Fall?-
Growing Strawberries in Containers-
Using Chickens to Create New Garden Bed-
Growing Raspberries in Containers-
Growing Potatoes in Containers-
Growing Rhubarb in Containers-
Cattle Panel Trellis for Tomatoes-
What I plant When, Playlist-

00:00 Intro
01:40 Strawberry Bed update- A word on Moles 🤬
03:10 The Plan for a Vole Proof Bed
03:35 Raised Bed Plantings
05:10 A Muddy Mess
05:39 Pea Planting Experiment
07:09 Overwintered Onion Variety Trial
08:17 Some Unhappy Garlic
08:37 Back Row Plantings
11:30 Outside the Fence
11:57 New Apples & Cedar Apple Rust
12:40 Potato Bed
13:00 Garlic Planting Experiment
13:43 Hugel Beds
14:49 Elderberries
15:10 New Strawberry Beds
15:31 New Medicinal Herb Bed
16:01 Container Plantings
17:59 Location #2, Mom & Pop’s Place
18:19 More Garlic
18:57 Prepping for Planting
19:47 Fruit Trees in Bloom

#zone6gardening #ohiogardening #gardentour


  1. WOW Jenna! I feel like I should have paid admission for this tour. Thank you for such a thorough accounting of your spring gardening, it’s inspiring. Maybe I could pay you in coffee.

  2. Hi Jenna, wow your garden is looking really well for all of the rain we have had. I am also growing (or attempting to) here in zone 6A Ohio. We are in the South-Central area of Ohio, just east of Columbus and as you know there seems to be a never-ending amount of rain this year so far. I really need to take a look at your channel a bit more closely so that I know what to plant and when rather than taking advice from those around me who say to do nothing until all danger of frost has passed and the rains have stopped. The only thing growing in my garden right now is my beautiful strawberries which last year gave me a never-ending bounty of very large plump berries, and I am hoping for a good crop again this year even though I am moving my strawberry bed to a different location so that I can nurture and partake of the new baby plants for my garden next year. The other things growing of course are my chives, sage, and mint, and that's it so far. So I'm now wondering Jenna, is it too late to get started? Did I wait too long?
    I am really looking forward to expanding my garden area this year so that I can grow some more tomato, and pepper varieties, also attempt to grow green beans for the first time, and I really want to grow flowers also. Oh, and I could really use some advice for rhubarb, please. My rhubarb keeps putting up flower heads, I take them out and in a few days, there will be another flower head. What can I do, if anything?
    I really love watching your videos and know I am getting some really good advice because not only do you garden in the same zone that I do, but also in the same state as I do. Blessings to you always Jenna. May your gardening year be fruitful and abundant, and may you have good health.

  3. So this actually makes me feel better. This is my first year starting from seed, though I watched my grandpa do it when I was a kid. This is also my first year with actual beds, 2nd year gardening all together. I’m in 6a in NE Ohio, and with all this rain, we just haven’t been able to get stuff setup. I got my seeds started late, but they’re coming along. I just felt so behind. And my back yard is so so wet, and the grass is so tall, that my pug gets swallowed up by it. BUT….you’re in the same boat. So I think we’re doing ok!

  4. I love the gopher hawk! They take the same tunnel usually so put the gopher hawk in a healthy tunnel put your 2 fingers in the top of the tunnel pull the dirt outward like your opening the hole more just enough for the hawk to fit. You want the opening part lined up with his path so he don't bump into the hawk sometimes it don't kill them all the way but disabled them. So make sure the opening lines with his path hole. I'm telling ya they will take the tunnel again. I didn't get the probe with mine so I just used my hand to widen the hole. Now when it's in rite make sure there's no lite getting in.

  5. Cheer up Ohio. It will be Summer temps next week. 🌞It has been a crazy cold and rainy Spring in Ohio for sure. Thanks for the updates Jenna. ☔️

  6. Thanks for the tour. I think my mouth tasted sour when you bit into that rhubarb plant. I am just a residential small area urban gardener and I am mostly in fabric pots raised above ground for protection against slugs, rabbits, moles and ground feeding birds. I went to numbers on the plant naming plaques as I have about 70 fabric pots and I want to rotate crops every year. So, to get more organized, I number everything on those naming plaques and I enter the numbered names onto a spreadsheet. It allows me to keep track from year to year the results of the mini potted crop and then in the spring, it helps me figure out what to rotate out of each fabric pot.

  7. We had a perfect spring so far in Germany. Very warm, early last frost night and a bit dry(but still enough rain to provide water). Last year we had the situation u guys have this year.

  8. Thanks so much for this video. My yard is a soggy mess and I was feeling very behind on planting. Love the comparisons from last year.

  9. Very dangerous to be on ladder with hooks out against wall, they can turn and flip ladder sending you to ground. Turn hooks in when against wall and use ladder foot pads or spikes accordingly. Great video thx

  10. I'm in Elgin IL. My final frost date is May 1st. Yours is May 10? You're way ahead of me. LOL. Green thumbs!! I better start paying attention.

  11. Hi Jenna, I’m loving your channel, Thank you for sharing all your experiments too! Good luck with controlling the moles and voles. I have problems with them too as well as bunnies. They are such vandals .

  12. Hi Jenna! I’m curious as to where you get your last frost date? I’m only in my second year of gardening and also in midwestern Ohio and I have found a huge rage of dates, from late April through late May lol it’s really difficult to know which are correct.

  13. I heard that Juicy Fruit gum (the yellow pack) kills the moles. I saw a video from a youtuber (I for got the name of the channel) and he said that it worked. Don't quote me on it.

  14. 100 percent no questions use the victor traps they come with setters. Set for Moles in travel ways from where they live don’t set traps where you see them feeding they go all over. Get them where the main runs are coming out from where they are staying

  15. "Blessings of Bounty and May Your Gardens and your Life always Bring You Joy, INSPIRATION and Abundance!" – Hope( & Mark)!💖💖

  16. Too true about this Spring being upside down on its head! I'm in zone 7a and we had May weather in March and March weather in April into the first week in May. Enjoyed your garden tour – thanks for sharing! Cheers…

  17. Thank you for the tip that Voles love sweet potatoes. I learned last year that they also LOVE peanuts… they ate all the peanut plant leaves and we only got 1 peanut😆 what is hardware cloth? Are you affiliated with the place you get your insect cloth from because I want to order!

  18. I’m jealous of all your space! And those radishes! My first year with a garden. Did a lot of research. My radishes are looking nice but they’re not very bulb-y yet but more narrow carrot looking bits. I feel like they just didn’t root well?! The leaves look great though….

  19. Ugh you got a Liberty apple! I ordered one but they couldn’t fulfill it then since the nursery didn’t get enough (Raintree). Had to order a different variety to pollinate the Honeycrisp I ordered then. I wanted liberty for its disease resistance too!

  20. The gopherhawk has worked the best of things I've tried for my vole problem (I dont think we have gophers right now), but it does feel almost like pure luck when catching them. Most success has been in my raised beds. But the traps and my cat are basically on the same level so far so that doesn't speak highly of the traps (my cat is mostly indoor and only is out when we occasionally let him during the day)

  21. Your Awesome!!!! Love your Gardening Excitement 👩🏻‍🌾❤️ I finally Transplanted out My Peas, Marigolds and Onions ❤️❤️❤️ Can’t Wait to Plant More.

  22. Zone 6a had snow on the 9th and 10th of May in 2020 and in 2021 !! … 2022 is a dream year ! …. soil Temps are now 66 degrees ! … so I have no idea why your garden look great last year but looks like crap this year ????? When this year has been the absolute best for growing early this year !! …. lol !! 😆

  23. So I am in your zone and I am in IL, and we have had a week plus of 80's-90's. I am wondering about my peas. They look burnt and have only a few blossoms. They are Little Marvel, do I pull them? Are they toast? The spinach got pulled today it was bolting.

  24. Wow, what a tour! I LOVE all the trialing you’re doing and cannot wait to hear the results. Please share what you’re doing with the rhubarb, other than the obvious pie. I have a healthy patch but need some ideas.

  25. I get ugly garden anxiety every spring. I always worry about what the neighbors can see. Good to know I’m not the only one😀

  26. Jenna, there is a young lad in Oklahoma that uses the Hawk trap for moles. The title for his channel is "Grow Jack". He is quite a prolific gardener at 12 years old. He has grown 88 lb watermelons and almost 3 to 400 lb pumpkins. You may want to watch a few of his videos and learn some of his tips and tricks for successful gardening. He also did one video covering mole traps.

  27. Really looking forward to the garlic comparison if you were able to video! Loving your videos. I wonder how near you are! I’m 30 minutes east of downtown Cleveland. Howdy neighbor!

  28. I grew up in Ohio, NW Ohio just outside of Toledo. This pic reminds me of the area – essentially flat, great for farming etc. Route 20 and 20A were roads I traveled on regularly. We lived in Perrysburg (zone 6A) I now live in zone 7. Looking to buy some unused land in a sparse area. Scrub or trash forests are a definite must have.

  29. why do you do a combination of raised beds and garden rows? just curious because I like raised beds, I just don't see the purpose for them besides just looks.

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