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My Greedy Stepmother STOLE my FAMILY MONEY & FAMILY HOUSE… so I got Revenge – Reddit Podcast



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  1. The op is a jerk but one this world really deserve, is like the world put everything together and whisper "Do it…..boy", and he don't miss the bazoka shot, is crazy to think for destroy barbara life he maybe save lifes because what illegal impeio sh@t she made.

  2. I think it was morally ok for what they did to Barbara cause one she screwed over the op and stole the house and money that should have gone to him and two anyone who takes part and receives financial gain for human trafficking doesn't deserve to have any human rights.

  3. On a moral level, I get what you're saying about filming people without their permission. Nobody expects to have their private lives and activities exposed like that. On the other hand, this woman was cunning and smart, capable of avoiding leaving any evidence of her wrongdoing. If you need evidence, you get evidence within the means that you possess. OP was within his rights to do so, as he didn't violate any laws in the process. Is it scummy? Yes. However, taking the highroad is what empowers evildoers. Every now and then, with self-awareness and control, you must sink so that they cannot rise. If you do it judiciously and with full awareness that you're wrong for doing what you're doing, you will rise back up when the deed is done

  4. Bro I'm listening to the first story and it sounds very similar to a book I read called falling leaves
    Edit: imma summarise the story quickly
    Adeline is the daughter of a rich Chinese businessman and a nice woman but she dies in childbirth he marries another woman and she is abusive and controlling adeline has 4 older siblings and gets 2 younger half siblings she is abused constantly throughout her childhood with only her aunt to help her and she gets put in a boarding school in that time period there is wars between the democrats and communists and the democrats loose and as the communists are taking the city Adeline is in a extended family member brings her to Hong Kong during her isolation she wrote a book for a competition and her father heard about it and decided she could go to university so she goes to university becomes a physician moves to the USA gets married, divorces gets married again helps her oldest sister who was disowned and her sisters kids so they can get a proper education anyway the sister gets undisowned the dad dies the stepmom steals all of the money from the estate when she dies she splits up the will between 4 of the siblings (one of her kids died the other 1 got disowned) anyway Adeline doesn't get anything it turns out her oldest sister sent letters every second day saying she shouldn't give money to Adeline and her kids back her up and the book ends woth Adeline going to China to see her aunt for the last time. Also there's a lot more depth to this I just gave a quick summary read the book

  5. you’re all better people than i am. i see nothing wrong with the revenge. i would have done worse.

  6. Last story – that revenge story was 110% Justified Grade A Excellent.

  7. Dear Mr AITJ, given the number and breadth of revenge stories that you and your colleague have shared during your channel's life — and dare I say profited off of — your sudden moral squeamishness is both perplexing and galling. Barbara showed herself to be a disgusting individual. Trafficking. Substances. And, if nothing else, playing her husband so she inherited everything. She made her bed. She played with fire. SO STOP BEING A HYPOCRITE and gnashing your teeth because she got burned.

  8. 1st you did an error, since the guy who helps them was his girlfriend's brother.

    2nd, learn to not play nice. Yeah! moraly, that is bad, but the guy who did it was also into illegal stuffs, and OP play by the rules too, plus sometimes you need to be a jerk with someone who was a bigger jerk to you as well. So is also fair game. And Barabara was a grade S bi*ch.

  9. Mike just 1 for 1 the Barbara. And the best revenge? Kill the person you want to revenge, but not physically, but mentally. A social death.

  10. Man was the definition of chaotic good! Respect for taking down a corrupt piece of crap and a terrible step mom. I only condone evil actions if its used to take down evil people.

  11. "They're the only white family on the street, so Godspeed round-eyes" 😆😂 Okay that was pretty funny.

  12. bro this was the weirdest post I've ever seen did the op really have to explicitly say their nationality and this too 15:09 bro that just sounds a bit racist

  13. I don’t think OP downplayed how bad Barbara treated him or how OP felt about what she did to him. OP was just resigned that he couldn’t do anything about it at the time; no justice, no revenge, just defeated.

    Then Mike the ‘wildcard’ came into play, and helped enable him to learn all Barbara’s mor recent misdeeds and get his revenge. But the best revenge was at the end when OP finished nuking her and moved on with his life with his GF/wife. Ultimate revenge is living well and enjoying your best life.

  14. Why do you have to ruin the story with the title? You literally tell us everything we need to know

  15. Calculated, orchestrated, and calculated the way she married his dad just to use him and allow a bunch of criminals to move into the country, what is wrong with you?

  16. he's not the jerk. Barbara was a horrible person, who was putting on a facade to the public. He rightfully exposed her

  17. She was a human trafficker & participated in pimping people who probably didn't have very many options. I have no sympathy for her.

  18. This woman is doing illegal drugs, profiting off of an underground “abuse” ring, cheating, and using marriage as a gateway for other illegal activities… and his takeaway is he doesn’t think private pictures or videos in secret are ok.

  19. Completely justified, not to mention the TRAFFICERS!!!!!! yeah she needed to be stopped by any means necessary

  20. NOPE! He's not a jerk. She took too many things away from him, so he took everything from her

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