
👩‍🌾Growing fall cabbage #shorts #gardening

👩‍🌾Growing fall cabbage will be different for everyone depending on which growing zone you are in and even from one year to the other 👍

👩‍🌾Here is my time line for this years fall cabbage and calabrese:

✔️Transplanted to nursery bed on the 22th of July
✔️Transplanted to polytunnel on the 10th of august
✔️Update video shot on the 7th of September
✔️1. Feeding of chicken manure tea 7th of september

👩‍🌾Your time-line will be different than mine depending on where you live👌

🥬I have to get my cabbages going fairly early because of the declining lightlevels up here.

In november, december and january there is hardy any growth going on, and in late september and all of october very limited growth is limited, which is why I have to get seedlings growing so early in the summer 👍

🌎If you are in zones 8-10, you might actually still have time to get some fall cabbages going now, as they grow SO vigourously in the late summer/early fall heat 👌🤩

👩‍🌾Save this post if you want to give it a go next year or this year depending on your location👍

💚Put any questions or comments below and happy growing y’all 🙏💚👩‍🌾

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