Japanese Garden

All About Groundcover Junipers – Erosion Control Planting On A Slope

How To Use Groundcover Junipers – Erosion Control Planting On A Slope – In this video I go over how to plant and maintain groundcover Junipers on a bank or slope. Junipers do require some maintenance to keep them looking their best year around. I go over several different varieties of Junipers that can be used for this application.

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How to plant in clay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c2Zjfc9z74
How to plant in clay. Short video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whntkSCQ8QM
How to plant in sandy soils. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpoevoqHG0A

30 Allen Rd. Clayton, NC 27520


  1. That is not what juniper usually looks like! That thing is gorgeous. No way that was low maintenance. 😁

  2. That is a very nice specimen that you're showing I have these on a sloped down near the road where I live. Question is I'm wanting to root them but I'm not sure how to go about doing that does anyone know I can give me some advice. Thanks.

  3. how do you water when planted. drip? will they still need watering frequently when established?? drought tolerant?

  4. I'm in Southern California, zone 10b and have ~6 foot steep slope on my side yard, ~60 feet long, 10 feet wide from the yard fence to the sidewalk and is all dirt. Will Juniper do well in my zone? We get very little rain so I need something on the drought resistant side but not iceplant. We just killed all the ivy that was growing as it was taking over the wood fence and the neighbors didn't like it going into their yard. I really enjoy your video's and the easy how-to's!

  5. I have a slope facing the street that is steep and difficult to mow. I have been thinking about juniper to cover this so this video is very helpful! Two questions, when is the best time to plant – spring ot fall? Also, how often does your neighbor have to trim them to keep that gorgeous smooth look? I'm guessing he uses a hedge trimmer? Sorry, that was three questions 😁 Thanks again for the video, it's so nice to have a garden channel from someone local to me, very helpful! 🍃💚🍃

  6. Good info on different bonsais, but we also needed to know what if a branch starts getting dry or yellow, about 3 weeks after planting outside. Do they need a special kind of soil?

  7. How do these do with blocking out thick weeds? I have a slope behind my house that goes into a pond and it's covered with thick weeds/brush (like 6 ft tall in some places). I'm looking to kill it all and replace it with a ground cover that would hopefully choke out anything that tries to grow.

  8. Can I ask you something? Can I plant blue rug juniper starts in fall even if they are pretty small? I ordered a tray of 60 and I dont want to sabotage them.

  9. I like my blue rug juniper is planted on my steep slope. I love how they flow over the boulders. They remind me of a waterfall.

  10. This is what I’ve been looking for . I’ve battled with weedeating steep slopes for 3 years and have been looking to cover these areas. Great video with great information.

  11. Newer homes in our neighborhood are using this plant in place of lawns, we're inspired to stop battling our dead spotted grass and just replace it with juniper

  12. First video of yours I've seen, really liked the quick presentation that compared varieties, with important info like plant height, spacing, zones, etc. Excellent….so I subscribed!

  13. Hi Jim! We have these planted on our front hill. Ours currently have weed barrier fabric around them. Is that ok? The weeds were out of control so we cleaned them all out and carefully layer the weed barrier around them.

  14. Is there any herbicide that will not harm juniper. I have tons on the slope difficult to handle. Any input will be appreciated

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