Front Yard Garden

Landscaping : How to Edge your Front Yard

To edge your front yard, use a lawn edger and tape measure to clean up the perimeter. Maintain your lawn with help from an expert groundskeeper in this free video on edging your front yard.

Expert: Daniel Penselin
Bio: Daniel Penselin is the head groundskeeper at WVTC Teen Challenge Northwest.
Filmmaker: Luke Neumann

Series Description: Landscaping your yard can easily be accomplished with a few simple tools. Spruce up your yard with this helpful advice from an expert groundskeeper in this free video series on landscaping.


  1. ive been in high end landscapes for years and have never seen this done in that way, for one it doesnt look good, second its time consuming, easiest way to do it is keep your hands steady, and flip your weedeater up side down and edge it out with that…

  2. ive always used a weed eater to edge my lawn, works great and makes the lawn look even better, this way looks awful lol

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