Garden Plans

Simple Methods to Dramatically Increase Your Harvest! (Small Gardens, too!)

Whether you have a large backyard garden or a tiny balcony in the city, you can grow more food this year and have serious food production if you follow a few basic principles.

We’re already moving fast through 2021 and it’s time to start thinking about garden planning! How can you optimize the most amount of food possible from whatever space you have available?

In this episode of Pantry Chat, we’re talking about food production right in your backyard. Whether you have a large amount of space or a small balcony the methods discussed will work great for you!

– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden:
– Greenstalk Vertical Planters (use code “homesteadingfamily” for $10 off your purchase):
– Clyde’s Planner (use code “” for 10% off your purchase):

Time Stamps:
0:00 – Introduction
1:24 – Chit Chat
5:17 – Garden Planning
10:05 – Space
18:46 – Go Vertical
20:01 – Protection
28:11 – Soil
37:50 – Watering
41:05 – Watering System
44:32 – When to Plant
48:44 – What to Grow


WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our nine children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

Grow, Preserve & Thrive with us!
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A few highlights you don’t want to miss are our FREEBIES!!

Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

– Healthy Healing at Home- Free 4 video workshop on our herb course Herbal Medicine Cabinet: Colds
– Bread Making workshop- Free 4 video workshop on our masterclass, The Art of Homemade Bread
– Meals on Your Shelf- Free 4 video workshop on canning. The Abundant Pantry: Canning

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

– Homesteading Family’s Favorite Holiday Recipes – A PDF download filled with our family’s favorite holiday recipe.
– 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
– Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.
#gardenplanning #gardenplan #smallspacegarden #verticalgarden


  1. I have found that I can grow tomatoes in about 3 hours of solid sun and dappled shade the rest of the time. I grow on tall cages/trellises, and they need good air circulation to stay healthy, but I do get tomatoes. Fewer than if I had good sun, though. Cucumbers are about the same. Peppers seem more adversely affected by low light growing conditions than many other crops, for me at least.

  2. For small spaces, I wanted to share that this year I put 3 varieties of eggplant next to each other on the same tier of a Greenstalk and Little Fingers has performed amazingly. They're smaller but still a decent size to work with, and it has produced a crazy amount even in tough conditions. If I could bring it inside and let it continue growing through the winter, I'm sure I'd have an eggplant shade tree by spring. 🙂
    I also tried several varieties of micro dwarf tomatoes in the Greenstalk and these little plants have stayed just covered in fruit all season, and they're no taller than my hand! Renaissance farm website has an incredible selection and excellent quality seed. Multiflora Varieties have been a lot of fun for me this year, too. You'll want to plant a couple of those where people can see them, and everyone will be amazed at what a phenomenal gardener you are. Hehe.

  3. 2000, is not that much, when your feeding your family, your both awesome people

  4. Do you have a problem with the cats harming the chickens? My next door neighbor has two cats, and I am happy to find dead mice in my driveway. The cats also keep the squirrels at bay, but we do not have chickens.

  5. Try not to grow more than you can put up, and eat. Unless you already have a plan on what to do with it. I have grown so much that I ran out of people to give it too. Fortunately I figured out that the community has food boxes set up in different locations that people can just take what they need. Smart idea.

  6. Companion planting is pseudoscience.
    That is, it's widely believed to be scientifically proven but it isn't.
    That doesn't mean it is false.

  7. Binging videos. Adding new 8×4 beds to our backyard garden. Never seem to have enough room even though I succession plant. So fun. Nothing compared to you guys but I am surprised by how bummed I am that we are out of peppers that I froze. Garlic has been planted a while. I can't wait to have dirty fingernails again!!!

  8. I thought you can't water in the full sun because it can burn them?? I was told water early morning or at night. And when do we use plant netting over your plants?

  9. Carolyn and Josh,
    You two are absolutely wonderful, knowledgeable, and so amazing to share all that you’re doing and have learned will all of us!!
    I just love your videos…thanks SO MUCH!! 👌🏻
    Question: do you ever allow viewers to visit your homestead? 🤔
    We’re in Idaho too, Boise area, but if we ever get to northern Idaho, would you ever consider letting us drop in?!
    Rich & Bobbie 😊
    Future Homesteaders!

  10. Loved the harvest video. Off subject though, I am considering homeschooling a 7th grader who has attended a private christian school for the past 6 years. They have primarily used ABeka curriculum. He also wants to be homeschooled but I am fearful of him being antisocial. What are some ways of socializing him and also do you keep grades for your children? I would like to eliminate grading but rather just knowing that they understand the subject matter. I am 70 years old and this is a grandchild that I am guardian of but consider myself up for the challenge. Any advice would be appreciated.

  11. If you are on a block of land ie. acreage the best way to get the soil to be really really good is to use an excavator bobcat with the skid plate to take all the top soil off so that you can break down all the clay into good top soil and then replace the old top soil and mix in organic matter such as sugar cane mulch and manures.
    If you do it that way and use plenty of the organic matter your soil will be very light and friable with the actual soil structure still improving for years and you have fantastic soil in the second year of gardening and it just gets better and better!
    Can be expensive but with the work on breaking down the clay done its then easy.

  12. I have done the No Work method many times. And I think I will do that this year. I had found out that there is a lot less water needed with that method

  13. another idea when just starting is to grow in boxes .. cardboard boxes work and then you can compost them.. you can have a deep box of soil without covering the garden cheaper on compost.

  14. Wow! I just happened to watch this the day my eldest daughter got her driver’s license.

  15. Lori…. My second response…. The advantage of cardboard is that it's FREE and it tings worms who improve your soil. Babcock furniture store is a excellent source for unlimited cardboard. I mean UNLIMITED…… FREE. They love me picking it up.

  16. Problem w deer and elk?
    Buy more freezers and add to your generator capabilities…..🖐🏻☺️
    Cats keep the lizards under control in ur fla garden….
    And your allowed to shoot iguanas in fla…..they ARE NOT indigenous and neither are tegus…..and tegus WILL jump right at ur face with razor sharp teeth…..and tegus will eat every loose pet in the neighborhood.

  17. Big hint for tomatoes when there are frost warnings….
    If weather man or extension society is putting out warning: frost tonight. Heavy frost warning!!🤯

    Pull ur Tom's out of the ground..whole plant, roots and all. Shake off loose dirt but dont wash it off.Hang on a nail upside down in root cellar or cool basement ….in a dark area….even the green Tom's on the plant continued to ripen and we had FRESH tomatoes at thanksgiving…..w snow on the ground and salt on the sidewalks…..🖐🏻☺️…..last of the broccoli….brussel sprouts… was great…

  18. the mulch is the part i have issues with. When do I add mulch if I'm sewing seeds? I don't want to add the mulch and suppress the seeds from popping up.

  19. Ha! We’re in 2022 now. I think everyone thought it couldn’t get any worse than 2021. But 2022 said, “Here hold my beer!” 😩😩😩

  20. Let's discuss pests. I found Roli Polis had made homes in my two onions and an ant colony moved into my Victory Garden. I tried Borax/sugar/water and even Diotmaceous Earth and neither worked. I finally had to go buy Sevin and replanted radishes and lettuce. Since I am a city lady who grew up on military bases, this is my very first time.

  21. You have either picked a horrible spot for your house because of the pond. Or you've picked a horrible spot for your pond, because of your house! Seriously I see that flooding a lot! Expecially since it's right next to your house!! Yeah, I highly recommend you do something about that pond being so extremely close to your house! Good luck!

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