
Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners | How to Plant Clematis Armandii in 11 Steps

Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners | How to Plant Clematis Armandii in 11 Steps

In this video, we will show you How to Plant Clematis Armandii.

Sometimes called Armand’s clematis, evergreen clematis (Clematis armandii) is a perennial species of flowering vine grown for its starry, cream-colored flowers and

glossy, green foliage. It is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 10, where it can reach a mature height of about 20 feet with a dense,

scrambling growth habit. Evergreen clematis starts easily from softwood cuttings if they are kept under very bright and humid conditions. The cuttings perform best and

root fastest, however, when treated with powdered rooting hormone. The cuttings are taken in mid-summer.

Things You Will Need before you start planting Clematis Armandii:

*) Watering can or garden hose
*) 4-inch plastic pot
*) Coarse sand
*) Sterile compost
*) Perlite
*) Measuring tape or ruler
*) Small scissors or shears
*) 0.1-percent indolebutyric acid rooting hormone talc
*) Spoon
*) 2 wooden skewers
*) Large, clear, plastic bag
*) Filtered water
*) Spray bottle
*) Plastic pot
*) Potting soil
*) Trowel or shovel

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Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners | How to Plant Clematis Armandii in 11 Steps

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