Container Gardening

Fall Season Garden Tour in Southern California, zone 10a

I’ve been working on transitioning the garden for the fall season. I garden in Southern California zone 10a, and yes I’m very fortunate I can still plant beautiful flowers and veggies. Some of what I planted or started from seed are: kale, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, basil, green beans, cilantro; petunias, pansies, violas, sweet peas, sweet alyssum. Come take a look around the garden.

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#fallgarden #flowers #veggiegarden


  1. Lamium is the name of the plant in the pot by your front door. Love your dahlias even if they are skinny! My dahlia leaves get brown too sometimes. (I’m in Zone 10 A)Thx for your video. Good job Rose!

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