Container Gardening

container gardening watermelon

We are starting an experiment in a container garden….Watermelon!


  1. I've grown watermelon vertically on stock panels (this works well for the smaller varieties like Sugar baby) as well as the larger kind in hills. I can see this method being a good alternative for those with limited space! I'll be interested in how this experiement works out. If you'd like some Moon and Stars (an old heirloom type watermelon with incredible taste!) seeds, shoot me a PM — I saved lots of seed last year from mine and I'd be happy to share with you.

  2. Well I can tell you what will happen to that milk jug as I tried using them outside as containers. They make them biodegradable now, meaning that by the end of the season after the hot sun beats down on them, etc. when you go to lift it out of there it will shatter into a million tiny plastic fragments which is a pain to try to remove. The handle will just break off. I had a horrible mess trying to get all those little pieces off my lawn. Good luck! LOL

  3. con't.: I would suggest a heavier plastic jug other than the water or milk jugs, perhaps a laundry jug after you clean it out or something thicker plastic. Hope it works out for you. Happy Gardening!

  4. I'm excited to see how this turns out. I tried containers for watermelon last year, but I didn't water everyday so that's where I went wrong. lol.

  5. Also if you can find rubbermaid on your big containers you won't have the same problem. My big container's made out of that cheap Sterlite plastic are now going brittle & falling apart on me but at least they lasted 5 yrs before doing it. So just be prepared to change them out on your 4th or 5th season. I will probably just make wood frames & shovel the dirt out of them into it. LOL I'm sure dreading it though. I only paid about $5 or $6 a piece for them at Dollar General but that Sterlite sux.

  6. Reading through the comments I noticed you had a problem with the plastic jug watering system. here are a couple tips ideas. 1) make or buy a Olla, this is a terracotta bottle, you bury like you did the milk jug in the video, the water slowly leaches out. 2) Water dripper, they sell these cheap water drippers that you can screw onto plastic 2 liter bottles, or glass one if you can find one. one advantage to this is, its easy to remove to fill up. and wont take up valuable root space, but I –

  7. -cont think the Olla is more attractive. and may release the water more gradually, which can be good or bad depending on the plants needs. I plan on experimenting with an Olla in a container for watermelon myself this year. watermelon is a heavy drinker so will see how it does. this will be a rooftop project in the tropics.

  8. Thank you, I believe you are right, the cement was just to hot! Going to try again next season but maybe vertical! Greetings from NC! Thanks for the sub

  9. Cool video! I just posted one about our first experiment with watermelon in San Diego, and what we learned from one of our pathetic fruits. Please check out the YouTube video, called "How Gardening Gives Life Lessons – Watermelons." We look forward to our first watermelon harvest in about a week, and have a collection of big and little watermelons right now.

  10. The 1 gallon jug is brilliant. I am going to try this. I live in Clemmons [NC] so our conditions are similar. Best of luck!

  11. Thanks very much
    How much you need in order to grow and whether the soil only Batamos any organic manure Is possible to mix the soil with Alaptmos how much water you need in the summer

  12. Very nice! My mom did something like this for tomatoes and peppers last year. The tomatoes were so-so, but the peppers were excellent!
    God bless, my friend! Take care!
    — Brendon

  13. I’m trying watermelon plants in container here in Texas! Do they ever need water. Using coke bottles upside down and fill the bottle with water. Thanks for the reminder of lasagna gardening….blessings

  14. It was still like 40 out two weeks ago. Soooo I did mine indoors! With a grow light… and put it in the sun when I could. It grew white mold on top!! Should I let it go or is it Shot?!!! 🙁 new at this 🙁

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