Japanese Garden

Railway Sleeper Pond build – Part 3 – Japanese Garden

Railway Sleeper Pond build – Part 3 – Japanese Garden! You cant have a Japanese Koi pond without and Japanese Garden to go with it!

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The post hole borer was from: https://www.hirestation.co.uk/tool-hire/Landscaping/Post-Hole-Borer-Hire/140050/

The 4×2 wood, feather edge, and fence posts were from B&Q: www.diy.com

As you all know, i push a pen round a desk for a tech company in my 9 till 5 job, but will give anything a go. The pond i feel would have looked massively out of place if i hadn’t transformed part of the Garden, hence the Japanese garden build.

For reference, i just watched videos on youtube on how to build a fence from scratch! The costs to date are around £358 for the fence nearly at completion. To purchase a prefab fencing and posts etc i estimate this to have been around £900 if it was done in the same style.

Thanks for watching!


  1. Hats off J on this build so far J , by your own admission it’s not you normal skilled area but you seem to have cracked it and got your project well under way and it’s slowly taking shape as previously described on the previous upload. When it’s finished the satisfaction will be so much more knowing it was all your own work bud. Credit goes to you for having so many different projects on the go, uploading all the different contents, sharing the experience as well as making it all interesting at the same time ! All whilst being employed and running a family as well. Utter brilliance 👍

  2. Hello I could do with some koi pond building advice I am in the middle of building a koi pond but I am trying to decide If I should build it 1 feet deep in the ground or 2 feet. A total of 3 feet in depth. Do you think this would be fine or would I be better off building it to be 4 feet in depth. If I do this I need to buy a new pond liner as the one I have will just fit to a 3 meter depth I made a video please take a look and tell me what you think.https://youtu.be/oQe53z-06xE

  3. Hello I need some advice If you check out my video https://youtu.be/2URBu5Tn_kY I am trying to decide what to do any advise would be helpful. The filter box I have built I am trying to decide what to do with it. I plan on using the filter as a spill way but I am trying to decide do I use a liner and attach it to wood with a sandstone slate or using a aluminium blade thing. what size of spill way would you recommend the filter box is 170cm long 30cm deep 30cm wide and I am not sure how big I should make the spill way. Pond size is 150cm wide and 230cm long internal size.

    The plan is to line the filter box with EPDM liner and fill it with lava rocks and sponge filter material.

    I did plan on using liner over the spill way with a slate stone disbursing the water into the pond but not sure how I would do this also not sure how deep I should cut down into the filter box any ideas ?

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