Gardening Supplies

Etsy Seller made $1.7M online – FULL INTERVIEW – Hannah Gardner

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Etsy Sellers – in today’s video, we talk with Hannah Gardner about how she’s made $1.7M online.

If you’re looking to increase your products views, shop visits, and conversions, this video is for you.

Check out Hannah’s YouTube channel here:

Hannah’s course:

Increase your Etsy business revenue by researching and selling the best products on Etsy.

EverBee is the best product research tool for Etsy Sellers.
-Find MILLIONS of top selling products on Etsy
-Spy on TAGs of all Etsy listings
-Research what is working for current “top-selling” items, so you can create your own best sellers.

Sign up for EverBee for FREE here:

EverBee is your secret weapon when selling on Etsy.

Subscribe to the EverBee channel for more tips on how to grow your Etsy shop in 2022, improve your SEO, get more traffic, get more sales, increase your profits, and improve your Etsy business.. Whether you are an ADVANCED Etsy seller or a BEGINNER – this channel is for you.


  1. Good to hear that 20% still good because at the beginning is hard to aim for 40%. As you mentioned, you can always go up when you build that reputation.

  2. Love Hannah's energy and valuable tips! Her You Tube videos have been really helpful for me. In fact, I first heard about EverBee from her.

  3. Great interview, CODY! Thank you Hannah for sharing your story. I'm doing this full-time 7 to 10 hours a day 7 days a week. I have a specific niche that I believe in. I just started 8 weeks with a Shopify and Etsy store. The most valuable thing I'm learning is the education part of POD. So many gold nuggets in this interview.

  4. I'm sure this young lady is killing it, but I listened for over 20 mins and still don't know what she is selling to have the earnings that she does.

  5. Exactly e-commerce here on YouTube is painted as get-rich-quick, for that very reason I spent quite a while depressed thinking why doesn't it happen to me? Until I had to make my own experiences and I love how honest Hanna and Cody are about it

  6. Lol yes! I stay away from those videos with that term "passive income" being an entrepreneur the likelihood of you having "passive income(think active income instead)" is very small, even if you're for example an experienced stock investor, there's time of lows where your passive income doesn't grow.

  7. This was so helpful! I have gotten discouraged in the past thinking that it wasn’t happening as quickly as it does for other people, but now I realize that is just not realistic and the success will come

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