Container Gardening

Best Container Garden System Easy Gardening Ideas Compost-Plant food-Mulch-Worms

Fun EASY-How to Grow Vegetables in a System where you Compost in Place, free Plant food flowing water, containers are your mulch to retain soil moisture. Two Minute Tuesday, DIY self creating plant food system done in layers. If interested, there is a long version with details on how to make this system that will work for you.


  1. Good Morning Sunshine Sister and thank you for this cheerful morning greeting. You are so creative and your passion for gardening is addictive. I live in the North East of the U.S. and can not garden yet due to the weather, but my dining room is full of seedlings eager for the outdoors. You my dear lady got my gardening gene stirred into such a tissy that I'm gardening again for the first time in years. Sending gratitude and happy energy ripples back at you.

  2. Nice… Robbie, I would LOVE to see you do a 2 minute Tuesday on the one paper cup method of starting seeds for transplant!!! πŸ˜‰

  3. I'm intreged to know more about your multi-layered garden system on your deck. I'm very much into the idea of many benifits coming from such a small area. Thanks

  4. You are so smart. I would have never thought of that. You have given me so many new ideas. I went back to the beginning of your β€œshow” and am watching those to learn more. Thanks so much.

  5. Hello ! Hello ! I love that ideal that's the way I want to set up my garden thank you , loved your short video Thank you Robbie.

  6. I am starting my first raised bed garden this year, I planted my seeds in small foam cups. Labeled and dated all 50 of them then realized I used raised bed soil NOT starting soil. I'm trying tomatos, peppers and cucumbers. Will they still sprout or should I go buy potting soil!! Ahh help

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