Gardening Supplies

Business Review For 2022. Money Lost And Lessons Learned. #gardening #garden #business

Hello You Tube, it’s Rob from Maxwells Grass Cutting Services, based in the North East of England.

Today I want to discuss the need for regular business reviews. Money lost and mistakes made during 2022. There is a need to improve, going forward.

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Remember, when the green gold is growing, keep mowing.

All the best.



  1. You're brilliant you are Rob, clear concise articulate strong kind generous positive realistic bubbly etc… will you be my dad?

  2. Great video Rob. Your always very articulate. For grass mowing 'route density' seems to be the way to go. Best of luck with whatever you decide. 👍

  3. Great Video. I've learned that liquid fertiliser doesnt last half the time as granular. And the miracle grow stuff is just as good as the commercial and often alot cheaper. Tip I've learned is buy the summer miracle grow lawn fertiliser in garden centres now as it will usually be half price, dobbies are doing it for 15 instead of 30 just now, and buy your autumn/winter fertiliser in spring if places still have some left they'll just want shot of it for a lot cheaper.

  4. You are right to be flexible Rob I use to mow by the growth and not dates ie if it’s wants mowing up to December or starts growing in February I would do it,I appreciate the growth rate can be different down with us in the South West,take care my friend.

  5. Hi Rob,
    I was going to comment on your previous Video about letting customers go and trying to focus on the small to medium gardens I agree with you on them ones I personally prefer them. But as you say I find the customers with the small gardens prefer you to start after nine o'clock whereas the bigger gardens I can start at 8am or slightly before so I do have mostly 8 o'clock starts when it's not a frosty morning, But I'm sure you've thought it through or do you start later than 8?
    Gary based in the East mids

  6. They the They's have no idea what they are doing £196 million a Month for illegitimates and thats without the transport and food bills 7 million a day and they want us to pay TAX jokers

  7. Rob. Great post, you’re right it’s essential that you stay on top of things, always need to know your fixed monthly costs and have a handle on the variables. I’m very rigid on keeping my round tight even if it means some days are busier than others. Never be worried about doing what is best for your business because it is a business!
    The grass is still growing well here on the Sussex Riviera.

  8. Great video Rob👍agree with what you say. Good advice about the weed and feed and handheld spreader. Be interested to find out nore about the quarterly books, not heard that before. Lastly i wonder how many gardeners have a military background. I like things looking neat and tidy, tools maintenaned, and my round running to plan. All the best. Andy

  9. Great content and points Rob, we all need to take stock of the business side and make changes for the better. All the best 👍

  10. Hi Rob, thanks for another great video. I am starting my new lawn Mowing business in March. I am leaving my office job of 17 years to actually do something I enjoy. When should I start advertising the business so that I can get work for March?

  11. Thanks for all your help with setting up my business this season. Your videos have been very helpful, especially the advice on the Stihl lawn mower, would've have been gubbed without it in this Glasgow weather.
    Your spot on with the small tight jobs, most my work is all in 4 in block's with tiny gardens and it's an absolute gold mine. I

  12. Hi Rob, in terms of lawn care do you think the scarifier has paid off for you? It's been on my mind to pick one up, a customer of mine who has greenthumb do her weed and feed says they are charging £80 for a small lawn, so I think I could easily compete with that kind of price and still be very profitable. Anyway thanks for all your videos, Cheers, Ciaran

  13. Hi Rob, my customers maybe scattered, but I travel to one area each day and do multiple jobs in those areas. It works really well. I didn't know about the tax man. There's always something isn't there. I just found out today that Honda are giving up making lawnmowers next year. Just hope we can get the spares still. Anyway look forward to your next video.

  14. Hi Rob a comment not related to the video but did I hear right that Honda is stopping push lawn mower production next year. Big news if true as you would agree they are the best out there

  15. This is my first season and I've been quite lax overall with my finances etc… I've seen this last 5 months as an experiment to see if I can make enough to be comfortable and also, actually make it work for me.
    Hoping that I'll start next year with all my paperwork in order, with a clearer idea of what I need to be doing behind the scenes to run it all effectively…!

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