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Cheating Wife Blindsided With Divorce & Karma

Today’s story is about a wife who was caught being disloyal and gets blindsided by divorce and her AP doing the same to her. She faces extreme karma after trying to destroy the OP’s life.

00:00 – Preview To Cheating Wife Blindsided With Divorce & Karma

00:12 – Intro

01:04 – Story Begins

07:25 – My Thoughts

10:30 – Comments

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  1. Be grateful for a fresh start my friend. It is always, always better to be where you are than to be mentally and other abused. Hang in there and life will get better for you ! It has already started with your divorce.

  2. Look into her eyes and her body language when you are with her during the early stages of dating. You can always tell if she is genuinely interested in you. OP was manipulated and used from the beginning but he was too bluepilled to see it until it's too late.

  3. Ok guys, hear me out on this one. The woke handed us a win win situation. Tax breaks, insurance breaks, no kids,ย  no family court. Buy your toys, bring all the chicks home you want. Think about the logic of this. 2 straight guys play the system and get married. What a freaking concept!

  4. You a simp man up I can see why she went out, the world doesn't owe you sympathy get up and be a man

  5. He dated a single mother.
    Didn't vet or dump her for her red flags early on.
    Took her back after she cheated.
    Didnt do much afterward to improve yourself and fell into depression.
    If only there was a community of men that couldve warned him against doing these things.

  6. I hate the stories where the dude goes on and on about the countless episodes, being constantly disrespected, abused and then whining about what to do.. how about stop sounding like a chick.

  7. OP 1 is broken at the outset. He's just a kid inside, weak and dumb. Why would he date a single mom with tons of red flags.

  8. That's how it always is with a single mother. She just uses you like an ATM, but behind your back she's still effing her Bad Boy ex.

  9. Most important she feed you other mens semens! By the way if she is a nurse is normaal she kills babies at home and most important kills them at work! Walk away bruv

  10. Mark my words this is not the first time he drilled her till knocked up and she kill the baby for fun! Just like that nurse in England killing babies in 2016 for fun in front of the babyโ€™s mother

  11. Why date and marry a single mom though ? I cannot tolerate a kid who is not mine. Plus baby daddy might always be in picture.

  12. When are these weak men going waken up. if a woman cheats on you she doesn't desire you so time to move on as they aren't worth the hardship they bring.

  13. Never have anything to do with a single mother.

    EDIT: to the comment that said she was a narcissist, I say she sounds like a typical modern woman.

  14. How curious, she was the bread winner, cheated even before the marriage, and OP still didn't get alimony/spousal support. Yet if the gender were reverse, I can bet it would had been a whole different thing.

    And people wonder why men don't marry anymore. He was the stay at home husband, he got cheated on, and the court STILL took her side, gotta love the, oh so great, male "privilege"

  15. I will always warn people if your ex had narcissistic traits she will likely try to come back eventually. Especially if she sees you doing well, they will purposely try to work their way back in just to destroy your life again. Be prepared for that.

  16. Men, never ever under any circumstances mess with a single mother.
    They already made one mistake, then next one youโ€™ll be paying for not mention that youโ€™ll always come behind those mangy little crumb crunchers.
    It is NOT worth it.

  17. Itโ€™s funny because im sure a bunch of guys were happy doing their thing until we make the mistake of choosing the wrong chick, and the damage is done

  18. Never value a woman more than you value yourself. She will see right through you and play you like a violin ๐ŸŽป.

  19. She wanted her cake and ear it too. She married this poor guy to have a free housemaid and getting smashed by her ex/baby daddy. Her ex was the one she wanted, but he was not up to that married life and wanted to smash without the consequences.

  20. Poor kids. I know what it's like to form bonds and then have to leave. Having to worry the kid is doing okay later when you knew it hurt them but out of your control. Super sad.

  21. Crazy Tru!
    Dec 2018 is when you walked away. I walked away late November 2018 when I finally cut ties with a cheating/lying ex. One of the hardest thing I've ever done emotionally but definitely one of the best. It taught me a lot.

  22. Its funny, I just ran into my ex after not seeing her for a year and a half minutes before listening to this. She was worse than this woman not that its a competition( I found out the kids arent biologicly mine) Its been many years since our divorce and the only reason I would see her was for kid functions. I didnt recognise her, I didnt feel hate, love or guilt( I couldnt figure where that feeling came from). We talked for about 20 minutes about the kids, holiday shedule, and what we were going to get the kids for Christmas to avoid doubling up. I left with such peace! It has gotten way better over the years but, it was just gone. Dont give up!

  23. AP hates being a father and cheating tart EX hates being a single mom/side piece who gets to play second fiddle to her APs other girls.
    I know it's easier said than done but you managed to pick yourself up, worked on yourself, then you've found a job work to at and work on furthering & providing for yourself. Good on you OP. As for the cheating manipulative, lying EX she is AP's problem now.

  24. What gets me is APs mother is blaming the children for destroying her son's life. How? She is literally blaming the consequences of his actions for his actions. It's not like the children actually existed while he was doing the deed.

  25. The rule with modern women is that they WILL cheat, eventually! They will cheat, if not today, it will be tomorrow, the day after or a in month or years in the future. They WILL cheat, there's no IF! A modern woman that is loyal and don't cheat is the exception, so remember that rule/fact when you're dealing with a modern woman. Wifing up a modern woman is the most stupid thing any good man can do. Never, NEVER be with a modern woman because there's no future or even hope with them! There's no happily ever after with them, ever!

  26. The biggest mistake men do in marriage that they think it is their responsibility to keep their wife happy any way possible and also believing that she will appreciate that…

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