Backyard Garden

Shade Solutions – I NEED RELIEF

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Shade Solutions I Need Relief

During a long day in the hot sun – Shade Solutions I Need Relief – is a necessity. Even for die-hard sunbathers, getting a bit of shade to cool down in is part of the protocol. This video gives options for just that – Getting Your Shade On.

The Outdoor Living guy starts us off surrounded by 13 umbrellas. 13 may seem like overkill, however, umbrella shade makes sense. Babies and little old ladies need shade relief, but they are not the only ones. Over dining areas especially, umbrellas are a good idea for backyard shade. Plus, they are movable shade while adding color and fun vibes to your landscape design. Next up:

Moving right into a shade product Micah Dennis recommends – the EZip Shade Screen. With the push of a button you can lower and raise this shade blocker’s automatic screen. Open sesame . . .

There are numerous styles of these easy does it shade screens. Another favorite is the Shade FX – shown in one of our forest properties. They are tough sun blockers and assist with rain & water protection. Bonus, they last for years. Find your best price point and warranty.
Another unique louvered pergola is an outdoor structure ‘smarter’ than Portland’s temperamental up-down weather. The push-button louvered ceiling when open allows loads of warmth and sunlight. Too much sun later in the day, close the louvered panels. Or when rain sprinkles threaten, close the louvered panels. Not only is this louvered roof system functional to the max, it’s beautifully made to last for years while being a stand-out feature in backyard landscaping ideas. By the way, the pergola has gutters to move water elsewhere . . . another nifty feature

And wait, there’s more . . . a cool open and close retractable louvered metal roof for sun shade or rain protection. During temperamental weather, with a push of a button, enclose this cozy nook for family gatherings.

We’ve all seen shade sails… popular in sunny areas and that must be the reason! Sun relief is a real thing. Shade sails look very contemporary and can go over patios, decks, pools, hammocks, or pergolas. Use two to create a cool design and to add color.

Think TREES. Of course, trees make some of the best shade ever. Plant trees strategically to help shade seekers find cool spots to hang out.

Modern Day Pool Cabanas can offer shade and lounging to shade lovers. They can be the real-deal outdoor structures or turn a garden shed into a shade utopia. Add hinge windows for fresh air, rockers, or outdoor stools to sit, relax and cool off – call it a garden party with plenty of shade.

Semi-shade Pergolas are popular for a bit of sunscreen relief. They and their cousin, the Arbor, both provide a break in direct sunlight, so they are part of our ideas for backyard shade.

Ending up but certainly not last on our list is the automatic remote-control awning shown in the McFee property. This pool scape enjoys loads of sun but even the best of us need downtime when the afternoon sun gets too intense. You’ll see Micah Dennis show the push button capability and ease of fully extended, halfway, and closed versions of this super cool awning.

That’s a wrap. Thank you for watching Shade Solutions I Need Relief –

We appreciate your visit. Join us each week for a kaleidoscope of exterior design video.



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  1. pergolas are great for creating an outdoor "room". installed a 10×12 ft pergola on my wood deck and it totally changed my outdoor space. small backyard but huge impact. everyone loves it. great video, as usual!!

  2. Beautiful solutions to shade requirements. I'm curious do neighbors ever complain about the noise of five waterfalls in their neighbor's backyard? I can see a gentle water feature, but, if you are trying to enjoy the serenity of birds singing, reading a book, or trying to have a conversation with a family member or friend, in your own yard, and, all you hear is the noise of too many waterfalls, next door, that would be distracting. Of course, just my opinion.

  3. Boy that’s something our West facing house needs is shade. It gets so hot you literally can’t touch the door knob from outside it will burn you. Consequently the backyard is virtually a useless barren place I rarely go to. Love the thought you guys put into the designs you do great work.

  4. No recommendations for umbrellas and bases? Just pretty pictures of rich peoples back yards. Most reviews I read on umbrellas talk about how theirs fell apart and how it blew over with nothing more than a gentle breeze. I’m looking for solid recommendations for an umbrella that is well built/sturdy and a base that stays put without putting sand bags on it.

  5. Can you do a video on cost effective options? All these in this video are nice but I know I am priced out.

  6. Why do you allow commercials on top of your commercials? I'm already watching your ad, why do you want to make me watch youtube-generated ads?

  7. Wonder if this shade Fx could be done on a slant. This way the rain can drain off to a plant area. One could string in on wires and hand pulls that will make it easier to use and not have to use power.

  8. Like the idea of open air solutions. However it would be difficult to store/cover the furnitures during the rainy season. Any ideas to help achieve a similar open air shade solution and full protection when there is a downpour?

  9. How do some of these work for people who live in the midwest? No, fireplace, kitchen or TV under a pergola in winter.
    Can you make some for people on a budget?

  10. Which outdoor umbrellas brand do designers highly recommend for cost, durability, and UB protection?

  11. I'd like to know how much the entire landscape cost for the 13 umbrella land area . . . .ridiculously nice for a house.

  12. Well you have motivated me to do our entire back yard that’s fenced in to something that draws us to it. Right now. Deck, and another area, we never go to because of the unbearable sun we have been having. Shade is my best friend right now! Lol 👍👍👍👍 really great ideas here! Love them !

  13. Oh yeah. My fair skin, red hair, has no excuse for being in the sun anymore like when I was younger. I should have married a dermatologist!! Glad to see these great ideas!

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