Japanese Garden

Bonsai Tools – All You Need To Know

Many of you have asked for advice on the use of tools in Bonsai. So in this video I will explain the various tools used in bonsai.

Pruning and cutting is at the base of all bonsai you have to be prepared to prune and cut to make bonsai. These are some tools that help when cutting and shaping your tree.

Secateurs are a good cheap tool that you can make good bonsai with. Very good to have in your toolbag.

Tools used in bonsai (can be made of black or stainless steel):-
Bonsai scissors (for trimming)
Root cutting shears
Pruning shears
Satsuki shears (which is a very useful tool)

Top Tip: never use twig cutting shears to cut root as the soil and sand will blunt the blade.

Another useful tool is a branch cutter (this tool enables you to cut a branch close to the trunk and it doesn’t leave a snag). However the Wen or Knob Cutter goes even further and gouges a bit of wood out of the surface of the trunk.
The Hybrid Cutter amalgamates the two (the wen cutter and branch cutter)
A narrow branch cutter will help get in between branches.

Then there is the Branch Splitter, you use this to cut into the branch(split it) to make it easier to bend.

Jin Pliers are mainly used to strip bark but you can also use them to bend wire (when it is thick)

A favourite tool of mine is called a Chinta which is used in India for making chapati and it is very useful for making jJns.

Wire cutters are good when it comes to cutting through different grades of wire and much better than electrical wire cutters.

Root rake is a useful tool for raking soil.

A Sickle is helpful when you are trying to remove a bonsai from its pot. If you cut round the root ball with a sickle it is easier to get the bonsai out (especially if in an incurve pot)

Clamps or Jacks can be used to bend branches. Though bending a branch can be done effectively by using the right grade of wire in my opinion.

Tool sharpeners like sharpening stones and the diamond cutter can be used to sharpen instruments.

There are many tools that you could use in bonsai, experiment and see what works for you.

To visit the Herons website please go to http://www.herons.co.uk

If you’re interested in the tools mentioned in this video https://www.herons.co.uk/Tools-Soils-and-Sundries/

Branch Cutter https://www.herons.co.uk/Bonsai-Branch-Cutter-200

Toolkits can be found here https://www.herons.co.uk/Tools-Soils-and-Sundries/Bonsai-Tool-Kits/


  1. You got that set of tools when I was about 8 months old. I love to see a good set of tools that has been kept up.

  2. I have a couple of garden scissors and an ordinary table fork that I have bent for scraping the rootball. Works fabulously.

  3. Great video for a newbie like me. Thank you. 😊 Have learnt a lot. Just not at stage for a lot of the tools yet. Great to see what I may need in future journey with my bonzai journey

  4. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us. I've been watching your tutorials 3 years ago. Now, I have also made my own bonsai channel because you became one of my inspirations. How I wish I could be in your place and have bonsai lessons with you.

  5. For someone new to bonsai, just get a few tools to start and add on as needed? Or just get a set of tools now for more money and might need them later?

  6. I got my girlfriend a 20 year old bonsai for the price of feeding the owners cats and dogs for the next 6 months. (well also a bottle of rum) So I began watching the bonsai videos and really was drawn to your videos. Then I saw one where you showed a book — it was the same book I used when I grew bonsai back in the 80's. I'm honored to find you here! And used this video to make the decision of what is needed for this beautiful tree. I got the long scissors you showed in a starter kit that included wire for training new bonsai. Our goal it to eventually build a lovely bonsai garden in my finca when I buy one. You have influenced at least one resident of Colombia! And following your teachings I found that even though 3 times watering per week worked for the creator of the tree, where I have it located it needs daily watering. Fortunately I only lost the ground cover. Wanted to replace it with moss anyway!

  7. Hi Peter. Very useful info! 👍 What brand secateurs do you use or recommend using? Thanks in advance.

  8. Peter, you have become my favorite human. 🙂 Office chairs, saws. Awesome. I use a bent kitchen butter knife to get my plants out of solid pots!

  9. Hi Peter I was wondering where you find the Chinta tool you showed I tried finding it online .

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