Front Yard Garden

My Las Vegas “victory/survival” front yard garden

Here is a real quick tour of my front yard that I have converted partially to a garden. With times only getting tougher and the economy really beginning to unravel, I find that it is a good idea to get rid of the useless decorative landscaping and plant something that can sustain my family and I. I encourage you to do the same or something similar. Many people may think it is extreme to worry about having to survive off of food that we produces ourselves, but to me it seeems like it may become inevitable, and I would rather be safe than sorry. Not to mention that it is stuff I eat everyday anyways. Thanks for watching!


  1. looks great. I really like that idea for the white flies.I am going to try it out. thanks for sharing. are you on facebook? I am under steve harpster. I have lots of photos of my garden on facebook. be cool

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