Gardening Supplies

Grandma's Pickled Beets – Harvesting & Canning, Preserving Food & Emptying the Garden Before Winter

We harvested about 50 pounds of three varieties of beets from the garden this year. And preserved some of them for winter supplies.
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Join Fy Nyth on social media – ! If you are new to my channel and Fy Nyth (Welsh for “My Nest”) in general, welcome! I’m Ariel. Along with my husband Clay, our dogs, cats, bees, and some poultry, we live in a tiny house on wheels in the mountains of western Wyoming and are working on setting into our own new little homestead. I’ve been living this lifestyle since 2014 and my wonderful partner has joined me more recently. What will you find if you follow the channel and watch the videos?

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 We live in a somewhat harsh and cold climate, but enjoy the stunning scenery and wildlife that we are surrounded by on a daily basis. You’ll also see videos of the nature and wildlife around my home. If you are interested in my photography or purchasing a photo, I’d love if you follow that over at  or!

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  1. I dehydrated my beet and turnip tops. Crumble them into a jar and you have lots of greens to add to soups. They cook up nicely

  2. Have you ever eaten beet greens? I like them sautéed in butter with a bit of salt. To me, they are better than spinach.

  3. Hi Ariel, I don't know if you mentioned the greens…. I picked the greens all summer, carefully, a few at a time, and my harvest was still good (I only planted a few as my garden was new) . Do you not eat your greens?

  4. My Dad loved pickled eggs…. Same as your family, used the beet brine.. I myself like pickled beets but that’s the only way I’ll eat beets…

  5. Pickled beets are my favorite way to eat them, too. Since I am not able to raise them in a garden (though I have tried), I will buy a jar of pickled beets and then keep refilling the jar from canned beets to soak in the brine. Nearly as good this way.

  6. Love beets ! I don’t think I’ve had pickled beets tho. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for a jar at an open farm market. 👍👍

  7. The proportions of water vinegar and salt are imperative to safely preserve…once sugar is added it becomes even more so.
    I'm glad you have never gotten sick, but I would not gamble with my health..even processed, nasties can grow if ratios are incorrect. Botulism comes to mind.. I speak from experience. I have grown and preserved my food for over 45 years..I do love your first..Have you tried drying your beet greens?. I Bunch and dry them. Much like herbs…then feed to our poultry in winter…I also saute the younger leaves with butter for family…only the roots and severely damaged go into compost…

  8. My dad grew up in central PA and I remember his sister, my aunt, making beet eggs when I was a little kid. Might have to make some for my dad.

  9. Hi Ariel, always very much enjoy checking out you're cooking and canning videos, they take me back to other yonder times in a big 'ol farmhouse kitchen where I am sure you would feel very much at home doing more or less the very same tasks you still enjoy doing today. I don't know what you would have thought of the huge old black, cast- iron range though. I sure hope Clay and your good self- enjoy every last morsel of those beets could eat and enjoy them almost every other day,

  10. We like to also eat beet greens with some ACV and water and a shake of dried hot pepper flakes. Do you eat those? I would also enjoy you telling us about how far you drive for groceries, what the stores sell, and how often do you stock up on things you can't grow.

  11. Btw, folks, beet greens ARE edible! You can eat them raw (rinsed, of course) or cooked, you can can them, freeze them (blanching in hot water and quenching in cold water is recommended first), or even dehydrate them!. My family dehydrates greens like the ones from beets and carrots. We add them to various foods over the autumn, winter, and into spring. While it's not quite as good as fresh (obviously), if you dehydrate them and keep the powdered bits in a cool dark place in an airtight jar, most of the nutrient value is retained.

  12. noticed you cut tops and root ends
    off totally. they will bleed color out. Should leave root ends and 4 to 5 inches stems on. will stay really dark🤗 I also use cloves, cinn, and allspice for pickled beets🤗

  13. In New Zealand we use over flow method. Cook beet put in jars. Overflow with brine. Put on seals. Same with fruit and syrup. No boili g of jars.

  14. Hi there, just found your channel. Love pickled beets, but I've never had them diced before,only sliced or whole baby beets. Might try diced next time I do some. The golden ones are cool aren't they.

  15. Do you eat the beef tops they're delicious you can freeze them and cook them just like mustard turnip or collard greens

  16. Can I just say…it hurt my heart a little to see you throw those beet greens in the compost?
    I love sauteed beet greens!!!

  17. Nothing to do with this video. Ariel, see Dutchsinse YT. He does seem to have a reasonable track record. Stay safe.

  18. I feel like new jars aren’t as good quality as old jars. I also never break the old jars but the new ones do every year. If I have to throw an old jar it’s because it has a chip in the rim.

  19. Love ❤ love your pickling and canning videos! Love also that you come from Pennsylvania with your family cooking wisdom and traditions.

  20. How and where do you store all those jars and other food items like onions, potatoes, and other vegetable garden foods?

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