Front Yard Garden

PEI Fibre Festival

Oooh my Goodness…to begin! There once was a storm…dare I speak its name. She changed the course of PEI and a Fibre Destiny. BUT…goodness comes from those Dear & Near. Fruity Knitting! Thank you doesn’t begin. Andrea & Madeleine!! Salt Water Books ladies…oh my! Shirley & Christine. AND…Fleece & Harmony…WHO saved the day?? YES Kim & Ken. The Delta Charlottetown…bringing together the Ottawa “Castaways” and other Knitting Fiberists all together under One Roof…that held up. Wow…wow…wow! A most unexpected adventure…with so much LOVE & Togetherness AND wool shops…THX Knit Pickers! The Woollen Mill…and Rug Hookers…Artwork all its own! check!! Jump aboard…it’s going to be a Wooler Coaster of a RIDE!! Bye FIONA!!! There I said it!

Cabin Boy Knits

Fruity Knitting

Fleece & Harmony

Salt Water Socks

Knit Pickers

Rustico Bay Wool Sweater Company

Rustico Bay Wool Sweater Company

Pasttimes PEI Rug Hooking and Wool Shop

Bette Young

Red island fibre

Red Island Fibre

Wool & Wanderlust


  1. Fantastic episode! I’m just halfway through…so many memories of my trip to the Maritimes this summer …. especially Point Prim (hope you had some chowder there!) and the welcoming folks at Fleece and Harmony! PEI….ah, how can you miss a place that you were so briefly? Now, back to the second half of the episode!

  2. Wow while watching you go round the Rug shop , I just loved that rug and wished I could have bought it!!! It’s so beautiful! Fantastic podcast guys. Thank you for sharing. 😘😘😘👍

  3. Great episode, even though I am awake way later than I should be (3AM). Glad you all are safe

  4. Loved this episode so much. Thank you so much for sharing the challenges and joys of your trip to PEI,

  5. Hi, Christopher and Jamie. I’m glad that you made it through the storm safely! It’s so cool that you met Andrea and Madeleine… they’re one of my fave podcasters. Thank you so much for sharing your PEI adventure❤️❤️

  6. Thank you so much, I missed meeting everyone at the fiber festival and touring the Island. This is a balm. I loved to listen to your experience of the storm, the solidarity and the good spirits. We turned back in New Brunswick Thursday morning, just before the storm, I was so heart broken, cried for a few hours in the car on the way back to Montreal … My spouse who isn't a knitter, also enjoyed this special episode of "Cabin Boy Knits", he says he is happy not to have been searching for gaz to get out of the Island. I would have loved to be there with you though for the pop up and all the improvised knitting together. Will you be back next year for the Fiber Fest ? I still want to show you what I knitted with your yarn bought at Montreal's Knit City.
    I would never dare wiping my feet on such a beautiful rug !!!

  7. Oh what a great episode! As part of the Ottawa girls, we said the same thing as Christopher reiterated through the podcast, it would have been a wonderful festival however, it was even better because we got more time with the “kniterati” sharing Fiona and the laughs!

  8. Got my Salt Water Sock Book yesterday at my local yarn store here in Northern Ontario. This completes my set of 4 books. I love these books. Lucky you meeting them.

  9. Super épisode de vous deux « prisonniers » sur une des plus belles îles du pays grâce à Fiona ! 🌬💨🌪🌊
    Iona bunny 🐰name for this yarn 🧶is so cool 😎 ! Thanks to you because ,I knitted a hole shawl with 3 steins of that nice yarn and I didn’t understand the joke ! I’m francophone from Qc so I was saying it « à la française »….But when you said it out loud in english ….😂 Thanks to you ,from now on ,when I’ll wear my shawl ,I will be smiling ! 😊😊

  10. ow what an amazing adventure. I love the spontaneity of your podcasts. Jamie, welcome to the woolly side of life. I can see you knitting one of the ascots. Small yet lovely to wrap around your neck and create your own style. You could even add a little other color if so inspired. Like Simply irresistible or itsy bitsy ascot.

  11. This episode brought back many beautiful memories of PEI. I agree with your sentiments on the people and place. I understand why you looked at real estate. We weren't as adventurous as you and decided to leave the island once the Fibre Festival was canceled and decamped in NB. Loved hearing how your time was spent with all the knitter before/during Fiona's visit. It was wonderful meeting you at Fleece and Harmony by chance.

  12. We were there and escaped on the Thursday when the PEIFF was cancelled. I was soooooo disappointed – wanting to meet Andrea and Madeleine especially – but glad everyone was safe.

  13. What a lovely episode! I live in NS and go camping (rv) in PEI and absolutely love it. They have tourism figured out to a T. If I had to move anywhere it would be to the island. I have met Kim and Ken several times and love their yarn. Looking forward to the NS episode!

  14. What a great peek into your road trip. Rug hooking and a hurricane… episode subtitle: Hookers and Blow? Maybe not appropriate for YouTube's algos, though. 😀

  15. I just started a purple cashmere cowl for my Canadian cousin in North Vancouver. I vote for a purple bunny cowl. The pop-up sounds like a wonderful time, talk about making lemons into lemonade;)

  16. My husband and I had flown to Boston from Utah and were almost to PEI when we received word the festival had been cancelled. I was crushed. I was so looking forward to attending your lecture and meeting both of you in person. Not to mention bringing home some of your gorgeous yarn!! This episode helped to heal my heart a bit. Especially hearing about the joy and laughter you found in spite of the circumstances. PEI is a magical place with the kindest people. Let's try again next year, shall we? Much love to you both. And much love to the people of PEI. 💜💜💜

  17. I loved this episode so much. Fiona ruined all the plans & hard work that went into the fibre feast,, but you & other knitters made the very best of a terrible situation. Thank you for sharing !🤓

  18. Dagnabit!! I was so bummed when the festival was canceled…I was sooo looking forward to attending your lecture and meeting you both. Battening down the hatches kept me from attending the pop-up but happy to hear you loved PEI and may return. The weather here has been hot and sunny ever since…what luck eh? I got a little emotional too as you described the love and kindness Islanders displayed during those trying times. You can always count on a Maritimer to help out in times of need. Thank you so much for being such an entertaining and loving couple…your episodes are a true pleasure to watch. ❣❣

  19. Thanks for the great episode and you 2 make my day wish I could've stayed longer at Fleece and Harmony

  20. So glad everyone was safe in the end. I can see in Jamie's face how sensitive he was to all the happenings. So glad you still found a way to enjoy, support and experience a wonderful time even though it was through a rough period.

  21. This brought back good memories of pei, I cycled around the southern part back in 79 with all my camping gear on my bike. The people were so friendly. One campsite owner taught me how to dig and cook clams when I ran short on food, I was too tired to cycle another 8 miles and back to a store.
    I spent the storm in Dartmouth, across the bay from Halifax with my daughter, her husband and the 2 week old grandbaby. We lost power for 4 days. It was an "Interesting " visit. And I am moving to nova Scotia in the spring.

  22. How wonderful to see Fleece and Harmony's mill process. And wow, what an adventurous holiday that turned out to be – but you sure have brought back some great memories and new friendships. Looking forward to seeing part two of your travels 😘

  23. You two are a joy to watch and listen to.
    I live in NS and was very interested is seeing someone from another part of Canada .. describe.. their experiences of a hurricane and the aftermath.
    This was not our "usual hurricane " and it's path was also not usual.
    And your experiences you describe of people banding together is wonderful and why we love living in the Atlantic provinces.
    Come back soon

  24. I bumped into you a few times during the hurricane weekend. I really enjoyed this video, both the before and after the storm segments. I wish I have bought your yarn at fleece and harmony. Your colors are much more vibrant than I imagine of natural dyes. We left on Sunday morning, I had guilt knowing I was leaving after the devastation. The weekend is one that I will not soon forget for all the reasons you mentioned. I plan to watch fruity knitting next.

  25. That rug is awesome. The hooking sister’s are artists. Shhh, Jamie, honey never goes bad.

  26. I’m glad you got to experience the wonderful camaraderie when like minded others experience difficulties on a grand scale and help each other to get through it. I’d love to have met all the “knitterati”, but sadly, the fibre festival is out of reach but, maybe next year. You made it look like such fun, even through the hurricane.

  27. I don't do bridges or lines either, especially lines on bridges :)…thanks for sharing your adventure. It really puts into perspective what PEI and Atlantic Canada endured. It was fortunate that you were surrounded by wonderful fiber folk. Also enjoyed your visits to the fiber places on PEI. The rug you acquired is beautiful. Looking forward to more stories…….

  28. How fun — to get to see behind the scenes at Fleece & Harmony and finally meet Ken!! Plus a Betsy cameo peek! ❤️ Love Kim’s podcast and all things Fleece & Harmony. Thanks for the tour of all the shops.

  29. Loved the walk through the shop with the wool machinery and to see the different options available around the world

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