Gardening Supplies

DIY indoor plant self watering tray

Here is how I turned my shelves of indoor plants into self-watering trays to significantly reduce my watering time,
I used $.50 grow bags from Amazon with Scott’s premium soil some string and garbage bags. Now instead of watering two or three times a week I only water once every 7 to 10 days.
The odd pinkish light in the video came from my grow lights attached to my shelves. I should have turned it off.
Garden4Ever 12-Pack 1 Gallon Grow Bags Heavy Duty Container Thickened Nonwoven Fabric Plant Pots with Handles

here are some of my other gardening videos you may be interested in.

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  1. I water smaller plants that are sitting on a big tray from the tray. I also have plants in individual pots lined up in those plastic 2'-3' long planters under grow lights. So much easier to pour water into the planters or trays and let water soak upwards to plants. I first started doing that when I had a lot of African Violets where you should avoid getting water on the fuzzy leaves especially when the sun hits the plant too. My efficient nature (hiding that lazy word here) finds it a big timesaver. Thanks for the extra tips.

  2. Your inching your way towards a pseudo hydroponic system.
    I just had to do that. I didn’t expect the results I’m getting from the l.e.d.s
    A couple plants are in pots too small to keep watered ,so I put them in a small reservoir.
    I’m going to sacrifice the guest room for this. In the unlikely event that I have to host a guest, they can sleep on the workbench in the living room where the coffee table used to be.

  3. Great video Rob. I noticed you have multiple levels. Do you worry that the plants on the lower levels don't get enough light. I've just never done it that way, is that even an Issue?

  4. Awesome video Robb! Ill show this to my father, I could definitely see us using this for our indoor plants in the room where i have my birds.

    Robb, I apologize but can you remind me what the seed in the see thru plastic baggie you gave me are? I know you told me, but I already forgot 😂😅.

    I also hope you enjoy the avocados 😁

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