Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening on a budget : Bargain High Street Seeds

If you go to the right shops then Vegetable seeds,onion sets and seed potatoes can be a bargain.
Many of the pound shops now stock multi packs of seed and with as many as 8 packets for a pound they are a real recession beating bargain.
I got a pack with cucumbers,cress,spring onions iceberg lettuce radish rocket tomatoes and leaf lettuce for just a pound.
Similarly with onion sets,shallots and seed potatoes,If you check the quality out and buy them as soon as they hit the shelves you’ll get another bargain.
So check out the cheap shops and bag a few bargains.


  1. Look like you got some great deals. I haven't seen mega packs like that here where I live, then again are they there and I was focused on the single packets. I too hold onto seeds. I just found some I bought 5 years ago and they are un-open.

  2. You can tell he's a Yorkshire lad ! Got his seeds in an "ewld biscuit tin" !! Are the dates on packets to be followed does it affect their quality if they are out of date ?

  3. People are so thick that even if you buy massive bulk of seeds and sell them dirt cheap they would rather go to a shop and pay 10 times more.

  4. i will have to look out for those been seeds, i have had some good stuff from £ shops mainly flowers but find the little box's of blood, fish n bone are handy, saves buying in bulk at the start of the year and 1 or 2 quid a month is not noticed

  5. Good comments, and interesting last week I also went around the shops and got sturon and red barron onion sets, aran pilot pots from pound shops and Wilko. I'd also recommend their hemp sacks, esp the half size ones, which I think are more convenient than the full size sacks for storage.

  6. Bargain from the pound shop. I've got all mine for this year, but I'll look for next year. We have one of shops in our town, so I'll have a look.

  7. good shout. Found likes of aldi and lidl supermarkets do seeds from about 35p a packet. On the subject of spuds commercial growers chop them up before planting so they may get 3 or 4 plants from 1 spud.

  8. l know this is a old video but poundland and 99p shop is still a good way to get some really good garden bargains. l don't know why some people are plant shop snobs &  turn their nose up at shopping there, saying its cheap tack, its like the 'must have the designer clothes label  brigade 'lol. l bought all my tulip bulbs  from there last yr and we had the most amazing display last Spring. l bought a tayberry, cranberry and blueberry for £1 each a few yrs ago, granted they were young plants   but are now strong plants so considering how much garden centres charge l think l got a bargain ,so more money saved to buy other things.

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