Backyard Garden


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Sup dude and dudettes,

Here’s my best attempt to camouflage and find some wildlife on around my property!

hugs and kisses,

Jennelle and Alfredo

My Instagram:

Alfredos instagram:

Tik tok:



  1. You have goats. That is why that coyote is there. He is after your goats. You have a few things you can do to help with this. Trust me on this one, he wants to eat your goats. 1. You can get an electric fence. 2 Get some good guard dogs. 3 You can get a few donkeys. Donkeys will run off coyotes. Do not mix dogs and donkeys. Donkeys don't like dogs. Not saying you cant have both. Just keep the dogs away from donkeys in a different space or enclosure. You have to do something or your goats will be eaten.

  2. I’d really love to see a day in my life video from you! What’s it like waking up and caring for your house and property and all that. Anyways, loved your video as always!!

  3. Lately i lost the spark for watching your videos.. i wish we could see more of you not always the videos that revolve around sponsorships. Im not trying to give hate just because you have sponsors ( you need to eat and make living out of something) but where are the fun random videos we were all waiting for, you really turned yourself into youtube ad plant.
    (I hope this comment makes sense, english isnt my nativ language)

  4. I love you videos! Hop life is going well, I’ve been watching you for about two years now and it’s crazy how you have a house now ❤ also that phone is interesting might look into it

  5. Coyote are pack animals a single coyote means it probably got kicked out for whatever reason. They are not to be approached. One morning a coyote was approaching me lucky I had a flashlight pointed in its eyes and ran off .

  6. What you need to use to capture wildlife is a trail cam. There is many different types and they can also be use with Bluetooth and cell tower signals as well as satellite so you can just sit in you home and watch in real time video as the action takes place.

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