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This is Getting Wacky: Corelogic’s NEW Housing Market Forecast

This is strange… After 5 consecutive months of revising downward their 12 month housing market forecast, Corelogic upwardly revised their real estate market predictions over the next 12 months. In today’s housing market forecast summary, I share all the details. Comment below with your real estate market prediction.

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To give you a quick mortgage interest rates update, according to the Mortgage News Daily the average 30yr fixed rate mortgage is around 7% for the current mortgage rates (at the time of filming this video for borrowers with exceptional credit).

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Compilation of Housing Market Forecast videos:

Comment below: what’s your housing market forecast? Do you think a housing crash will happen or are your housing market predictions that the real estate market and home prices will continue to surge?

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Jason Walter, CPA (lic 103885)
Sacramento real estate agent and native
Realty ONE Group Complete (DRE 01923240)

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Jason Walter is not a practicing tax accountant or a licensed attorney or financial adviser. Therefore, the information in these videos shall not be relied upon as tax, legal, or financial advice from a qualified perspective. If you need such advice, please contact a qualified tax accountant, attorney, or financial adviser. We have taken reasonable steps to check that the information in this video is accurate but we cannot represent that it is free from errors. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video – it is for entertainment purposes only.

This video description may contain affiliate links that allow you to easily find the items mentioned in my videos as well as support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for your support! Jason Walter is a licensed real estate agent with Realty One Group in California under DRE 01923240.

#housingmarket #housingforecast #Corelogic


  1. I’m sorry, but your math IS dumb. Just because the median sale price went down 7% that does NOT mean home prices went down by 7%. It just means that the homes that are now selling are at a lower price point than before. Median = middle. You have to compare apples to apples. The only sure way to know if prices decrease is to look at equivalent comps from month to month, or yoy.

  2. this forecast just shows you cannot take CoreLogic seriously. banking on the fed to pivot so housing prices will increase next year.. that is not a metric. Powell just confirmed for a second time today (from his last FOMC meeting) the Fed will do everything it can to bring down inflation. It will rather slip the economy into recession than pivot. Housing prices will be down next year cause the Fed is determined to do so, CoreLogic is a sham.

  3. im flush with cash should I buy a house now? I can afford 20% down in california.

  4. Perhaps they are adjusting for inflation. If you adjust these numbers for inflation it's the clear negative most people expect.

  5. I can't speak to other parts outside Ventura County…but here…..Builders are extremely sensitive to market conditions now. I fear the days of builders having fire sales are gone for good. They just stop building, or slow down to the point where those that qualify buy with 'some' help: slightly lower rates with special lenders, low-income incentives from cities/state, some upgrades thrown in, etc.. The rock in the shoe of buyers, is that mortgage payment that hasn't dropped one bit in the last 4 months, period. The prices somewhat stabilize, or go down somewhat, and rates go up accordingly. I don't think this is going to change too much for months, if not years. If rates were to drop next year to 5%; I'd expect another small boon or boom…whichever applies.

  6. The wheels are coming off of the housing market. Its way worse!

  7. I think Corelogic (along with other concerned parties) just don’t want the gravy train to run out. I suspect that the carnage won’t become front page news until 2Q23, when we’ve moved beyond the 4Q22/1Q23 cyclicals.

    The Fed will pivot but the damage (I.e.: growing consumer debt, unemployment, etc,…) will be in full swing by that time.

    We’ll likely spend ‘24 digging out from the rubble….hopefully that’s just figurative and not literal given geopolitical events.

  8. Why no one is talking about material shortage, expensive labor market, cost of land development etc.
    Wall street investors are flocking the rental market, immigrants who are on visas are buying right and center. Remember, demand is being artificially curtailed. Its a matter of time for the turnaround . Landlords are kings till then.

  9. I have dog and cat, could not find a rental that would accept both. Looked for 2 months finally got a break, found a decent house and my loan is 7.8% I made a few offers but was out bid. Competition is still out there, just not as many cash investors. After months of looking & loosing out, I’m just happy to finally have a home for my family.

  10. The real estate industry has been full of BS hyping the market news for a long time, the fed was hawkish today with another 3/4% interest hike! This pending crash just got much worse!

  11. Bremerton and Bellingham WA have been and still are impacted by US military investment/ employment. Housing is tight in these markets. So I am not sure Core logic is correct in predicting high probability of price falls compared to other markets. I doubt they even know about these local influences.

  12. Housing marketing going to crash because I feel like its overvalued, and should be able to get what I want based on my income, and interest rates went up, and I think every recession is 2008, and I just watched the big short.

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