Front Yard Garden

The Drought Tolerant Garden… in March!

Okay, this video is only seven months behind schedule, but perhaps looking back at Spring as we hurtle head-first toward winter is actually a good thing. We can see what we have coming ahead, and plan our plants and our garden layout for next year.

This was my front yard and side yard garden last March. The cooler and wetter winter weather brought out a ton of volunteer nasturtiums and made the Aeoniums burst open out of dormancy, and become full of color. There were aloe blooms and sour grass (aka wood sorrel) everywhere! I hadn’t yet managed to get the hardscaping done, but there is an update there with some surprise free stones.

I also planned to move a few things as we settled into the garden and how the light worked in different places… and even show the progress on the native Californian hillside. Indigenous plants that will help with erosion control. Lots of flowers, greenery, and color.

Enjoy! And I should have a follow-up to this one soon, as I filmed in May and July of 2022!

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