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Pres. Biden Delivers Remarks On Social Security And Medicare From Hallandale Beach

With a week until the midterm elections, President Joe Biden arrived in South Florida Tuesday afternoon for a series of events, including a policy speech and stumping for fellow Democrats trying to hold back a red wave.


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  1. Has no clue what American people are capable of if he starts messing with social security !

  2. …wrong prez………….mr prez…………………….1972 was RICHARD NIXON er, ah, oh………………..what else!

  3. Joe running around lying about his son's death again in Florida. “I’m thinking of Iraq because that’s where my son died,”

  4. You took oil from important reserve! Not cool! Food is much more expensive , not enough to increase social security , crime is high! Homeless people all over the place , war raging ! Reautirise is not getting rid of! Republicans are all for helping Veterans, do you plan to pay all the immigrants coming in! Come on man!

  5. I didn't hear anyone clapping for him being there. Of course not… why would anybody want to continue depleting their retirement fund and their kids inheritance fund in this Biden induced recession? It's time to drain the swamp and make America great again!

  6. I remember affordable Gas & Groceries. I remember Peace & Freedom. I remember when we elected our Presidents.
    I remember Trump! 🇺🇸

  7. This pretender in chief has no credibility what so ever, and Debbie Washerman has shown herself to be a large scale liar and cheat as well. These Demoncraps project their bad attributes on others so easily. I am looking forward to the day that all of these usurpers are in orange jump suits and behind the fence. Lets go Brandon !!

  8. If they hold a free and fair election, the LEFT will loose thirty seats in Congress and also loose a few Senate seats, and America can start to un -doo all this socialist garbage that has been ruining the Country , since this creep found his way to the oval office.

  9. Donald J. TRUMP was/is The Greatest President America or the World has Ever Known~!!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲TRUMP~2024🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  10. Kudos to anyone who sat through this entire “rally” without passing out or getting up and leaving due to pure boredom

  11. Liar Biden just got fact checked by Twitter. His social security lie got removed. Republican Richard Nixon is responsible for the social security increase tied to inflation. Fake news CBS propaganda and lies.

  12. Why do they clap for his lies?! The hundred people there lol 😂 his meds are not working for him, he sounds worn out be ready for a nap..Biden being 80 him trying to travel he’s not making it, as far as his senility goes, two more years.

  13. Thank Nixon! who in 1972 signed into law AUTOMATIC benefit adjustment based on the INFLATION rate.

    It may look bigger, but democrats have destroyed the economy and obliterated your purchasing power, so you will be able to buy FAR less with it!

    Yay, way to go bRaNdOn!

  14. Don’t forget the republicans trip old ladies and steal food from orphans. What a pile with flies. Dem as usual, scare tactics and loads of bull

  15. Great job President Biden on fighting for the big increase in social security! Thank you! Maybe next year you can get a bigger increase! Next…please cap all prices and give everyone who is lacking income (due to systemic racism) guaranteed income checks to end poverty once and for all! Thanks to the American Rescue Act's stimulus checks, I was able to quit my job, recieve pandemic unemployment, unemployment bonus, child tax credits, Medicaid, SNAP benefits including the SNAP bonus, and spend more time doing my life's passions. Blue Wave coming!!!!! Make the USA more equitable one day at a time! Now we just need to lock up all election deniers and those who spread misinformation and disinformation.

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