Front Yard Garden

Convert Your Lawn by Sheet Mulching

This slide show demonstrates how to remove your lawn using sheet mulching techniques. Learn more at


  1. This is all very nice if you like gardening.I do, plant bee friendly shrubs and enjoy it.Where I live in the UK no matter how small the gardens the majority are a mess.Or car parks and it doesn't look nice.The car is king.

  2. I have a lot of weeds surrounding the base of pine trees in our backyard. Im considering using this method, but I am also looking to add groundcover plants like phlox or creeping thyme. Would you still plant groundcover below the cardboard or would you just do so on the compost /mulch area?

  3. Thank you for the video.

    How do you prevent the mulch from spilling into the sidewalks?

    What’s the best way to clean the Galen leaves in autumn, to keep the mulched areas looking neat?

  4. Gardening…

    Makes you look like an insane patient running around the garden. When the neighbors see you out, they probably sit tight and wonder: "what now". Even you question yourself sometimes lol

    But hey, it all works and looks pretty!

  5. You were way ahead of the game! Ten years ago you were already doing the no-dig/sheet mulching that has become so popular now. I started using cardboard/compost/mulch last year. It works if you use enough mulch.

  6. This video aged incredibly well. I can't believe people were doing this over 10 years ago and still hadn't heard of it until 6 months ago.

  7. Convert one useless use of land to another useless use of land, convert to food production people! Anyone not planning on some form of self sufficiency going forward is not thinking smart.

  8. Cardboard is not like fifty years ago. It is made of nasty chemical filled toxins and totally poisonous to use around food plants. This is the kind of thing that gives you cancer ten years down the line if you are lucky enough to get old. Babies born in the last ten years have forever chemicals and microplastics in their bloodstream that will cause their lives to be disease ridden nightmares.

  9. So, what happens when the rains arrive, and all that cardboard disintegrates? Heavy plastic is a far better idea.

  10. She says remove Bermuda grass first but my lawn IS Bermuda grass. So will this not work for me?

  11. Would love less grass in the front, we have a big front yard and a pretty big back yard. Most of the back is natural. We don’t have a lot of grass in the back yard. We are wanting way less grass in the back. We are working on it as we can. The rest will be and indoor swimming pool in a year or two.

  12. Bermuda grass is the absolute worst. Dandelions are healthy and good for you, most of it you can eat and it is a natural detox for the body and great in salads, pasta, stir fries, etc.

  13. Great idea with cardboard will give it a go. You said you were avoiding using pesticides I am sure you meant herbicides.

  14. Oh Heck Yeah! Just what I wanted to know. Old people can't get out tillers, etc. This is the answer. Thank you so much!! Going to find cardboard:)

  15. Hi, would sheet mulching work to kill back morning glory in an area? Or would it just poke through since it has rhizomes?

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