Edible Gardening

How to start gardening and stay gardening Ep. 108

In this video I encourage beginner and novice gardeners to grow a small range of plants in a small area and get some initial success under your belt.

Repeated failure growing plants is not fun and I want you to become a gardener and stay a gardener.

The first challenge is to manage your unbridled enthusiasm; no matter what time of year this affliction descends on you it is vital you can tone it down and start your gardening plans on a small scale. Next is the disciple to do the right job at the right time. Then we discuss growth rate and patience and how plants grow at their rate rather than to fit our time table.

Then we identify the three types of gardening – Fruit and vegetable, ornamental and house plants. Each group has some specific requirements for you to master and finally we discuss the need for botanical latin and its valuable uses. But novice and beginner gardeners do not need at this stage to focus on this obscure nomenclature as it can be confusing.

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