Gardening Supplies

The Process of Subconscious Programming Explained in 60 Seconds ⏰👏🥳

I often hear the question “If God is so good, why do bad things happen?” In 60 seconds, I explain how God has given us the reins and the instructions of how to use them.

I’m saddened to see so many people suffering in my own backyard and also in the rest of the world.

I want everyone to know YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS!!!

The power to change any situation you don’t like is in your hands!

When you pray to God, you have to know that the one you are praying to is inside of you, and will do anything you ask through you. The requirement is you have to get the consciousness of the person that just received what you asked for. You have to hear God say YES to you and get excited about it!

Emotional Thoughts are the foundation of the new consciousness. Anything you feel in your heart will be delivered to you at some point. The speed in which it happens depends on how fast the thoughts and emotions line up with your desire.

When you desire something big, but you think bad thoughts towards it, and pair those bad thoughts with negative emotions, you will not receive the thing desired. Instead, you will receive something pertaining to your negative thoughts and emotions. You’ll feel it in your heart what you’re actually creating in your life if you would begin to pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and feelings (which is actually the power supply and switch that gives power and life to every Emotional Thought you have). The feeling you get in your heart in regards to feelings, is actually the same for all emotions. It’s akin to electricity. The same electricity that powers your television also powers your lamps, stove and refrigerator.

Get this message implanted deep in your heart and start lining up your thoughts and emotions with your desires and you will have them. This alignment transforms into faith and belief because you will assume the consciousness of the person that possesses whatever they desire to possess.

Lastly, don’t let your current situation fool you into thinking there’s no hope for a better life. Think better thoughts to yourself, about yourself, for yourself and others. Get out of the habit of commenting of everything around you, and start looking past those things and think something better, the way you desire it to be. Think it and give it a loving emotion of enjoyment. Say things like I know when I have my new whatever it is, I’m really going to enjoy it. Commenting on what’s already manifest keeps the situation the same and ongoing.

Begin your practice of creating a better world for yourself by commenting on good thoughts and emotions that you desire to see manifested in your life.




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