Vegetable Gardening

November Vegetable Garden Tour: Ohio, 2022

Welcome to the November Vegetable Garden Tour!
Just a short update on how my midwestern Ohio garden is doing in this first week of November. Welcome to my garden!

00:00 Intro
00:35 Garden Goings-On
05:52 Outside the garden fence

#zone6gardening #ohiogardening


  1. Wonderful garden, as always! I came for the tour, and stayed for the soothing commentary and wonderful music (you included one of my favorites, "Fresh Fallen Snow," by Chris Haugen, that Joel Ashton uses on his page a lot, Wild Your Garden)! Keep up the amazing work! 😃 I laughed with the still pajamaed garden helper! 😂
    I'm currently cleaning up my gardens for cringe winter in Southeastern Michigan. My broccoli and kale are still doing great, and I may have some turnips to harvest soon! Garlic is getting planted this week too! This warm weather has been VERY weird, to say the least…

  2. I’m tempted to try growing loofahs next year. Your chard looks amazing. My garden seems to be allergic to growing the stuff. What will you do with all of those pumpkins and squash? That’s a lot of vitamin A.
    After seeing your video on Hugelkultur, and making the mistake of telling people about it, I got to build one forty foot hugel bed for one person, and converted three raised beds into hugels. Woooooo… that’s a workout. Oddly, I’m hoping to build more next year. I blame you. 😜

  3. Surprisingly we haven’t had freezing weather yet. We had a couple cold days but it’s been unseasonably warm since then. I must say though that I can’t remember a nicer fall season. We’ve had mild weather for over a month. Looks like next week brings real November temperatures.

  4. I've had some light frosts/freezes but managed to keep my nightshades and beans alive although many of them look somewhat beat up (especially eggplants). Even the malabar spinach looks alive although I've picked all the decent sized leaves so it's only a few tiny side shoots that are proof that it's still in ok condition. The peppers and tomatillos are still trying to pump out more fruit even though they're ripening like 20x slower than in summer…

    Fava beans are in full bloom and have some pods growing. Peas are just starting to flower so might have to plant them earlier/start indoors/pick a sunnier spot next fall. Radishes and arugula are doing great. That Romanesco Broccoli I planted in early May that went through summer without bolting… still has no head formation in sight. It's 3.5ft tall now. Meanwhile the burney broccoli beside it is barely 1ft tall and across, and produced 17 heads (heads only 1.5-2" across, but hey, 17 is a lot). Guess I'll have to try some of those varieties from Johnnys you recommended for the Romanesco because this variety is not working.

    BTW have you ever grown passion flowers? I know you're mostly into vegetables but it's a fun thing I got into this year. I'm growing Maypop (hardy to zone 5) and Bluecrown (hardy to zone 6). We'll see if they're as hardy as the online websites claim – I'm zone 6 so theoretically they should both survive. We'll also see if the lower parts of the stems, which have gotten woody, are able to survive, or only the root system. I'm interested in some other varieties too since they look really cool, but those would have to be overwintered indoors.

  5. Nice to know I’m not the only one who has a random pepper plant heavily burdened with fruit that I just didn’t get around to picking

  6. You have a great presentation. It's almost as if you've had training on public speaking. But besides that, you just have a brilliant vibe about you….very approachable and nice friendly female. Thanks.

  7. Weather has been so nice I'm working on adding spots for growing melons. I'm also trying to making a spot for sweet potatoes for next season. My neighbor actually asked if she could join my garden. So I now have help..

  8. I always appreciate your videos and the music is nice too..I am chopping and dropping spent plants and adding leaves and a small bit of wood ash as well as chicken manure and bedding to my fall garden..growing in Texas

  9. your garden really speaks to me, I love it, thanks for the tour. I now need to teach my garden to speak to me

  10. Very nice. I am picking cabbage, broccoli, and waiting on a hard frost to harvest some collards. It is suppose to be in the low 80's here today and Sunday. Close to records. I took your advice and have some tomatoes in my small greenhouse. So far so good on the tomatoes. I envy your brussel sprouts because I have never been able to grow them here without a lot of care. It is just too hot here in the fall to get them going and if you wait too long to put plants out in the fall they will not grow. Great video!

  11. Jenna have you ever planted turnips, beets and carrots for a fall harvest? Thoughts and tips be great. I live trumbull co. Northeast Ohio. 5b 6a zone possibly. Thanks and love your videos.

  12. Your garden in Nov looks better than a lot of gardens in June. You have so much going on when most gardens are completely gone.
    I still have a bunch of stuff, broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, spinach, carrots, leeks, celery, some flowers, a bunch of herbs and even green beans in a large insulated cold frame. My new projects for next spring were put on hold to create a jumping worm proof leaf mold bin, almost complete (will post a video when finished).
    I'm glad I am not the only one who has a lot of bed cleaning left before the snow begins to fly.
    Enjoy your videos!

  13. Love your channel Jenna! I live in Zone 6B (Boise) so we have similar growing conditions. I just planted my garlic last week. When you do your garlic video will you please talk about any amendments you might make?

  14. That's a great garden Jenna and what a selection!! I grew up in Southeast Ohio and had no idea that a garden would last this long in the year up there. Here in Florida we are blessed with great weather most of the time so things just grow all over when I least expect it….but it's fun! What do you do with so much broccoli all at once? Just wondering. Have a great Fall Season up there!!

  15. Well here in North Central Idaho zone 6a we have our garden all cleaned up with rye+hairy vetch growing in some places and grass clippings over all my beds. I am still wanting to get a bunch of leaves down but this last week has been very wet. We had about 3" of snow yesterday and then on top of that we got about 4.5" of rain and now all the snow is gone and we are having a 30mph wind storm. So I am setting in my shop watching your videos and thinking of all the things that I didn't get done last year and looking forward to planning for next year. I also raise Red wiggler worms and make compost out of mowed hay from our place so I have been getting that all set up for winter. I live near a town with lots of trees so I have gotten set up with the school district and the city to pick up bags of leaves to add to the garden and worms/compost so it is still busy. The weather is causing some issues with gathering leaves but we will get what we get.
    Thank you for all your informative videos, they have really inspired me to be a better gardener. I appreciate that you also use a modified no/till method with varying bed types. Please keep the videos coming because they help us all to focus on what we have in common and also that we can learn from each other and boy do we need that in our world today! Thanks for the peaceful approach to life.
    Have a great Holiday Season and Thank You Jenna from Idaho

  16. New subscriber here from Shelby County, KY. I loved seeing what you still had growing. We need to get better about succession planting and a fall garden. My husband built a small greenhouse onto the front of the house this year. We have spinach, lettuce, and Tiny Tim tomatoes still going strong in there. Looking forward to your next video.

  17. Impressive. Having a nice garden though smaller myself I know this must almost be a full time job.

  18. Thanks for the Lufa update! Yep, right there with you. Just threw some left over rye seeds in a bare patch last week and its coming in strong here in Pa 6B, so go for it.

  19. Awesome brassicas !! I'm jealous. I have some savoy cabbage, and kohlrabi that I probably planted too late. I'll cover the kohlrabi and see what happens to it this winter. Also waiting on some cauliflower that have been totally in the shade but as the leaves drop I'm hoping they start getting enough sun to enlarge the tiny heads that are just forming. Still getting side shoots on my broccoli that was first harvest back in June. And of course I have lettuce, endive, spinach and arugula as well as some root crops like carrots radishes and parsnips I'm planning on harvesting through the winter.

    I noticed you have crimson clover growing. I have some mixed with vetch in a few beds also and I'm wondering if it with overwinter like the vetch or winter kill. I'm right on the border of zone 7A/6B. What do you think?

    Thanks for the tour. Always enjoy.

  20. The garden looks so pretty with all the colors of the vegetables and the flowers. I’m impressed with how much produce you grew.

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