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Racial distrust: Shyam Saran on how Chinese thinkers blamed India’s plight on its people’s character

Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping chose new team after winning the historic third term through 20th National Congress. Xi is likely to enact more hardline policies regarding economy, foreign relations, and human rights. Now, as China stresses the need to resolve differences between India & China, watch this episode by ICS from 12 October, 2020, where former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran said “China’s negative popular perception of India emerged from the latter’s role as a street-side enforcer of the British rule. There was also deep resentment towards prominent Indian traders who flaunted their wealth from the Opium trade in Shanghai.”
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  1. I had a Taiwanese friend who told me East Asians think they are the second race, inferior to white people, but better than dark skinned people like Indians. China looking down on Indians is a way to make themselves feel better. Asian countries try to look White and European out of resentment. A man in Singapore once asked an Italian man what’s the tallest building in Italy in a very provocative way- the Italian did not want to break it the Chinese Singaporean that Italy isn’t looking to build tall buildings. But looking to live well.

  2. Good discussion, we now know the Chinese stereotypes about India. It. is not our problem. It is Chinese problem . We can plan about chinese accordingly and it shows the importance of India to be rich and powerful.

  3. These are made up excuses from Chinese side . Chinese have expansionist mindset . They equally dislike all their neighbors like Japan, Vietnam, phillipines, Russians . If they blame India for opium wars why they don't blame Pakistan for same both were same countries before independence .Ye sab Chinese doglapan hai. They see India as obstacle .

  4. Chinese like subdued neighbors. If you want good relationships with China make yourself economically, militarily weak . And treat them as your masters.

  5. One thing..to note about china is that its history has been marked by periodic upheavals…that lead to periodic burning of books, killing of intellectuals and destruction of culture..Even the writings of Confucius is only available by what is written about him….And more recently Mao destroyed whatever was remaining through the cultural revolution..and the imposition of atheism and the Marxist ideology..So China is no comparison at all with India as a civilization….much more have remained here despite foreign invasions…

  6. First rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club..
    Second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club..

  7. I feel that the communist revolution..that lead to the "great leap forward" and the "cultural revolution" is a major watershed in china's history…so much so that earlier commentaries..bears little relevance to the current mindset of the Chinese people…As Mao wanted, the country's previous mindset..and remments of culture ..was very thoroughly destroyed…and reformed and remade on the Marxist leninist model…..In that sense, China is a very new country…eventhough lately it has been trying to bring back some "culture"…realizing that it is needed to have an impact on the world..

  8. I think it clearly shows how compromised our indian mission in china is. They are unable to report back to home with necessary details of what is unfolding in Chinese society nd leadership.

  9. Nobody will understand other people's pain, no country will understand another country's pain going thought

  10. Living in abroad for more than four decades, I must say that Chinese people love America, their way of life and the culture. Next thing they like the British people although they blame the British for the opium war and other exploitations. China wants to be like the US by hook or by crook. They consider India is a poor country but now learning that India is rising so things will change in the future. The problem is you never know what a common Chinese is thinking as their thoughts are influenced by the communist party. Our job will be to dislodge communist Govt from China and replace with democracy. This will take time but it has to come from within China.

  11. Those Chinese scholars based in the west especially those based in America, they are themselves brainwashed by western imperialism! They were mainly from the old Kuomintang establishment, and were even critical of their own people! These scholars and their respective articles or papers should be taken as a pinch of salt! Those reports or articles were written in the colonial era, where western imperialism and colonialism were at its height in power, most Asian countries had no chance against them, with the exception of japan….., However it is true that the negative example that India portrayed, includes the indo Pakistan partition! That was studied in great detail by Chinese scholars and compared with the Taiwan issue .
    Unfortunately many Asians in south east Asia who were once colonial subjects are prone to this post colonial mentality that we call "post colonial hangover ''…….racist stereotypes and prejudices exists everywhere…….in the 19th century south east Asian people were wary of Sikhs and sepoys of the British army ,who were loyal servants of the British! In fact malays and Chinese view those indians with disdain, often avoided those indians wearing uniform……. Because indians will inform their colonial masters if the locals were planning something against the British. Unfortunately this man despite being a scholar and diplomat, is still short of critical knowledge about Buddhism! Buddhist scholars from the west got it right about post Buddhist india! The Islamic invasion and mughals destroyed what was left of the Buddhist traditions in India……..

  12. The whole discussion is subservient to the idea that it is India that should look at things from China's perspective. Never heard these gents discussing how China should try and understand the Indian perspective. Chinese communist party ideology is nationalist at its core and wears a thin veneer of Marxian thought to justify its approach to the rest of the world – which is essentially world domination. Now if the discussion was about how to respond to that, one could have appreciated it better.

  13. आधा घंटे तो आप लोग तारीफ कर लो पब्लिक का टाइम तो फालतू है भाई लोग आप रिटायर हो गए हो हम नहीं

  14. The Chinese leadership is deeply influenced by realism and Their own interpretation of Marxism/Communism and hence the old world civilisational views of India and the Indians do not play an important role in devising ways to get the better of India in every way possible. They might admire Buddhism but dislike intensely the land from where it came. The Chinese respect strength

  15. Albert Einstein quotes on the Chinese people, Sept 1920
    “A peculiar herd-like nation [ … ] often more like automatons than people.”
    ““I noticed how little difference there is between men and women,” he added. “I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men”

    Einstein opined that Chinese people there were “industrious, filthy, obtuse.” He expressed disdain for the way the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods.”

    It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races,” Einstein remarked. “For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

  16. What a joke chinese want their own fortune 500 firms which they dominate not a slave ceo in minnow white nation firms like twitter .

  17. How come people making enough ridiculous interpretations based on writings of foreign powers be regarded as great thinkers ? Secondly, when they were making these interpretations they forgot their past of opium- country. Thirdly, they forgot that India is the only country on the globe which denied to succumb and rather preserved it's language, culture andreligion, despite a thousand year's foreing rule. This rather shows resilience of Indian people. On the contrary other countries ruled by foreign powers adopted language culture and religions of rulers.

  18. A nice discussion…could have been better if it had been edited for broadcast on you tube…some introductions were just way to long, almost lost the viewer. A typical internet video watchers attention span has been rendered very shot, so just a observation…

  19. To fight an enemy you need to understand your enemy. So, I’m really thankful to Mr. Shyam Saran Ji’s honest and unabridged opinion

  20. lol , you to anywhere in china , you can feel presence of indian culture . indian culture dominated china for more than 2000 years , indian thinkers like bodhidharma , buddha , nagaarjuna were respected more than tao and other low life phillosphers

  21. Why do we have this western chamcha funded by pentagon whose son got 300 million dollars become an expert on Indo china relationship

  22. Most Chinese and Indians never interact with one another.
    The place where they interact is in Msia & Spore. Out of these interactions there is a rise of "new" emergent culture…Chindians.
    To suggest that the two great cultures can't get along because of British use of Indian sepoys is not true anymore.

  23. Title should be opposite
    'Why does India distrust China?'
    Indeed you're conveying from their perspective. Anyway good discussion

  24. Shanghai was never a chinese city. It was built by the west. There biggest issue is that our culture dominanted theirs.

  25. Economic and technological strength is the only way of getting respect and admiration from any nation, including China. Soft power is of no use if the country is poor and backward.
    Indians becoming CEOs of MNCs is their individual performance. It has no gains for India as a nation.

  26. No country , civilization or individual can b above The Law of Sathya , Dharma n Karma.
    What is happening now , in the past or will b in the future r the consequences or the unfolding of the above Eternal Laws over time.
    Peoples r born n they die. Empires comes n goes , rise n fall over time.
    Whatever may b the politics of the day, endeavour always to keep peace n b at peace with oneself n the world as much as is possible. For in all of its sham , drudgery n hippocrisy, it is still a beautiful world if one's karma is not too bad…

  27. Very difficult to trust Chinese. Particularly after china attack on India in १९६२. Now China helping economically also stands ecposed about their expanism and capturing the assets on foreign soils. Also incidences of milliatary engagement at border where again capturing Indian terrotary has come to fore. Chinese can never be trusted.

  28. Only an idiot reads thru the book during an interview. Lack of confidence or lack of belief in his Indianness or both are visible. Oh it’s a novel n it’s characters. Chinese have been enslaved under mongols n Japanese n other forces they can be quoted as the most slave type, if any on the length of enslavement.

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