Japanese Garden

How to Make a Zen Garden

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This minimalist Japanese-style garden utilizes rock and sand to mimic the movement of water.

Step 1: Select the plot
Choose a quiet, isolated setting for your Zen garden.

Step 2: Define the site
Define the garden’s shape and size. A raised, wooden rectangle creates a structured garden box, and a free-flowing stone border gives a more organic form.

Step 3: Build the garden
Place plastic sheeting inside the garden area. Then pour 2 inches of sand throughout, level the sand, and add sculptured rocks or boulders to the area.

Use sand made from crushed granite in white, beige, or gray for a pleasing contrast.

Step 4: Add texture
Layer pebbles, evergreens, and moss for additional texture. Use a rake to create ripples in the sand, which mimic water.

Don’t overdo the elements or the space will appear cluttered instead of serene. The process of creating the garden should be meditative in nature.

Step 5: Appreciate the harmony
Add unobtrusive seating, such as a low-profile bench, for a pleasing meditation spot. Depending on the size of your garden, you may wish to add a water element or traditional Japanese bridge.

Did You Know?
The tenets of Zen Buddhism were compiled by a Chinese monk in 1004 C.E.


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