Gardening Supplies

Beginner Gardener Preserved ALL This Food

As a beginner gardener, I was able to preserve A LOT of food this year while simultaneously working a full time job and taking grad classes in the evenings. It was exhausting, but now we get to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor (literally). I’m not a perfect canner/preserver, but I am always learning! Next year I hope to do even more. Thanks for watching!!

About the Sunshine Farm
We’re Jenn & Chris. We are millennial homesteaders on a small plant based hobby farm and modern homestead in Upstate NY, where we focus on sustainability, loving on all our animals, and enjoying wide open spaces. We’re in our mid-twenties, balancing full time jobs, and also trying to share our lives with you along the way. Thanks for joining us for this video, we’re excited to have you along for the ride.

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  1. Oh goodness girl, looking at your canned goods I was like “yeah, yeah…” but then you showed us your herbs and spices and I’m sold! I think my seed order just grew by 150% from watching your video! New sub here 🥳

  2. Sooo cool 😍 I can't wait to learn how to can! We are going to grow a much bigger garden this year so I'm totally looking forward to winter food prepping. You did an awesome job!!! New Subbie 🙂

  3. Well done Jenn! You are a great farmer! Will you make some Sauerkraut some time? It is very good for your gut health!

  4. Hey! I think your garden is very neat and I love how much effort you spend to grow a lot of your own food. However, I would look into how to properly can vegetable broth, as it isn't suitable for water canning. Vegetable broth isn't acidic enough to stop the growth of botulism. Botulism can kill you in small amounts and isn't detectable through appearance, taste, or smell, so it's important to make sure you are safely preserving each type of food. I hope you find this helpful! I appreciate your content and I hope you have a lovely day.

  5. Do you have a video on the bread and butter pickles? We just started growing cucumbers and I’ve only ever lactofermented pickles

  6. Hello! I am so thrilled to find your channel! I have been looking for a plant-based homestead. Although I’ve been exposed to farming, I wasn’t sure how to go about doing it as a plant- based eater. Thank you so much for sharing your information.

  7. I'm homesteading in upstate New York as well. Right in the ADK park and our zone is 4b so I understand the struggle! Awesome to see someone else up here 🙂

  8. Hi!! How/when do you plant your garlic?! I live in Minnesota and am trying to grow it over winter, but worry about the cold getting to them.

  9. Cut the cayennes back and put them in a large pot over the winter, they will grow more peppers faster when you put them back in the ground the following year!

  10. Can you do an instructional video on how to make the storage jars? I have never seen any of this. If you could make an educational video it would be awesome!

  11. Such an inspiration! I only have a balcony to grow on at the moment, but definitely doing what I can to be as self sustaining as I can until I have a garden

  12. You posted this video on my birthday! Just amazing how much you did with your garden, it is really impressive. I don't think I have ever seen purple sauerkraut before. Thank you for the video.

  13. We are plant based and it is great to see a vegan homesteader! In the near future we would love to be at least 80% self sufficient, we are a family of 6 and have a 57 acre farm, love to get tips and encouragement from other vegan homesteaders!

  14. Is there a video for making the vegetable broth. I have done both chicken and beef but haven't ever done vegetable.

  15. Do you hydrated everything? I started my garden last year and I want to save food this year.. looking to learning how to save healthy vegetables from my garden. Thank you 🙏

  16. I’m a new subscriber….you are a superwoman!! How did you learn to do all of what you do, not only preserving, you’re making powders, etc….I’m so amazed 😍

  17. Here in Finland i rely much on growing a huge amount of potatoes, which is almost the only crop that every year yeilds like crazy, no matter what. I have an amazing root cellar where the taters keep in perfect condition till mid May. Even my chickens get their share of boiled potatoes in the winter….. so everything else that the garden gives, is like a bonus 😅 normally lots of apples, currants, summer squash, nettles, dandelions, chard, onions, garlic, random root veggies… its really not a big deal growing enough veggies in a cold climate to be selfsufficint in those.. you just gotta figure out what works in your growing conditions and how to preserve it.

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