Garden Plans

Trudeau snubs Freeland’s plan to rein in governmental expenses

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TFIGLOBAL CANADA – A channel dedicated to the Great White North.

Canada is often overlooked by mainstream media portals. Even Canadian news agencies are more interested in discussing American Politics and UK’s royal family.

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  1. Kinda late for immediate changes there, freeloader… are involved ,deeply, in this corrupt government.

  2. Ooooh, you having different opinions about things within you're own party,wow, who writes this crap for these politicians? You must really think we are stupid hey, to not notice the small mind changes in your narrative.
    Deeper voice, fake disagreements in your own parties,caring for poor, and the dentist thing,how clever .

  3. Hmm, are we watching Freelander make a break from Turdoh & position herself to take over PMO?? 🤔🤭🤣
    Kotton Swab must be sooo torn watching 2 Fav Pets duke it out

  4. All members of the WEF party of Chinada must go. Suggestion, jail. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY, I don't think so.

  5. What Trudeau has been doing to this country is treason, he now has a flying school in Africa with ex Raf pilots and other nations fighter pilots and is training Chinese pilots in western tactics, if that's not treason I don't know what is

  6. Well said my friend well said as a business owner I will cutback on any expansion well start laying off people or I'll just move out of Canada. This will not work . Your are right this is for the NDP no business owner is going to put up with that what's the point

  7. The Liberals are starting to look like the worst porn movie that anyone has seen, everybody is sc%^^&ing everybody in the Liberal party and no one is enjoying it.

  8. Trudeau and Jackmeat won't let a little thing like the will of the Canadian people stand in the way of their plans to destroy our country.

  9. Of course he refused Freelands plan, his only game going forward is the old Liberal "now you see it now you don't" strategy. Bribe people with money their great grandkids will still be paying back (at interest) and make lots of bigshot promises of further free stuff. Most of this evaporates after the election and in the meantime lots of Trudy's buddies get a payday which will be passed on once Canada is finally rid of him. Freeland now has her get out clause so she can carry on up the greasy pole, "I tried to stop it" but she'll stay on the bus for as long as possible, it's good for the bank account.

  10. Yeah, right… a game of illusion. Trudeau is under Fire, so his Not Sea Friend Freeland is getting a bit worried. What better way to distract the people, with nonsense and nonaction.
    Just a Not Sea Sh*tstorm… Fun Fact: Freeland's Grandad was Not Sea Collaborator of WWII. What a special Not Sea family. Passing his strong beliefs down for two generations.

  11. Trudeau wants to rule the world, he would never give up the pocket book for Canada.

  12. None of these pos care they have stolen more money than any tax payer will ever make.
    Fawk Trudeau Freeland and jagmeet

  13. Playing “ good guy bad guy “ . I believe NOTHING coming out of their mouth . That includes NDP .

  14. It is so nice to see sharks eating sharks lately!!! They all just blame each other for all the criminal activities that have been this governments go to plan since day 1 !!#TrudeauMustGo! 🇨🇦

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