Japanese Garden

Turned lousy shed into 3 dream homes around zen garden & spa

25 years ago, Jeffrey Frechette bought “the last $100,000 house in Seattle,” a tiny 1940s-era war bungalow that he describes as “a shack, literally built on cinder blocks and phone books.”

As a recent architecture school grad, he immediately began designing an addition, leaving the original structure in place for him and his wife to live in. After building more space for his growing family, he continued to build and was soon renting out an upstairs apartment. He didn’t stop designing and building; soon, he had a Scandinavian-inspired backyard home a wood-burning sauna for rent.

Today, he can legally rent the two units, one as an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) and the other as an “extra room.” The entire compound is inspired by Japanese courtyard design with plants for natural privacy screening and planned views. Frechette feels fortunate that his passion has translated into passive income for the family, but he admits that “it’s a lot of house I’ve managed to piece together over 25 years”. He has a friend who jokes that he goes to Remodelers Anonymous. “He’s like, ‘you just can’t stop,’ but I mean, I just love doing it. It is my favorite thing to do.”

Frechette does all of the work himself “the plumbing, electrical, hydronic heat system and a lot of furniture.” Much of his work is inspired by the materials he finds at salvage yards, like the huge round window that dominates the ADU living room or the shoji screens which cover the cheap, vinyl sliding door in the bedroom.

The backyard unit sleeps 8 in just 800 square feet, and Frechette took advantage of ideas like suspended sleeping lofts for space efficiency. The A-frame bedroom in the loft was inspired by his love for sailing.

On *faircompanies: https://faircompanies.com/videos/turned-lousy-shed-into-3-dream-homes-around-zen-garden-spa/


  1. Lovely 🌹🌹🌹 congratulations 🎉🥳🎉🥳 on building with your mind , a story about your interests , building skills, energy, designs …I love the Japanese sliding doors, they are so creative ! The blue color paint in your bedroom is so cool n beautiful 🥰 the way you talk of privacy fencing n separating spaces is lovely 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 use of materials like the marble on the table ! Only the lighting is some areas is darker

  2. Jeez these B&B houses could be rented as apt instead, they are certainly big and equip enough that's for sure and lovely.

  3. Really shows what can be done with proper forethought. Nice esthetically pleasing to the eye.

  4. Great video! I raised my daughter in a house like this…ours had pressed cardboard covered with film SEWER line. Used during WWII because there was a copper/metal shortage. Lots of crazy stuff.

  5. This man reminds me of my grandfather in that he loved to build with different materials too including materials not meant to be seen but used as only structural. My granddad found beauty in both the material and simplicity of the design. He also built his own furniture. Cheers to Jeffrey. He has created something beautiful and functional.

  6. This place is like an architectural laboratory, interesting spaces and I like the total space utilization and income it provides. The only downside I see is horrible feng shui- too many angles and closed off areas. Perhaps it still works well for the occupants.

  7. I know it’s unpopular but remind people to subscribe. I just noticed the other day, after years of watching your videos, that I wasn’t subscribed. I am now but I bet a lot of people get recommended your videos and don’t even realize they haven’t subscribed. Have I said the word subscribe enough? SUBSCRIBE!

  8. Really nice however way out of financial possibilities for a poor cna like me. We get $13 an hour here. Barely enough to survive. My husband works for the hospital and makes $13 as well

  9. The outside of the homes are amazing but imo, the insides are quite uninspired. It would serve any architect to pair up with an interior decorator.

  10. For me the house is not really connected to the outside, small windows and doors where there could be light and openings

  11. Thank you for blessing us with your amazing gifts of story-telling and videography. I learn so much from each of your videos.

  12. Awesome! This house must be documented properly and allow the young architects for their research project :)…

  13. You are absolutely brilliant. Such a beautiful and peaceful environment. I wish I had your vision. Absolute paradise.

  14. This is pretty standard, I'd say. Isn't this just what most folks who buy cheap old buildings do when they don't have a lot of money to renovate? It's a bit at a time. Like in a favela, but for medium-rich people.

  15. Thank you for the well made video that gives in depth views of all the spaces of this property.

    It helps with the craving of seeing such a fascinating place and wishes I could slowly explore it in person.

  16. It's weird how his house can feel so cluttered yet so organized and comfy at the same time. Usually lots of things in a space makes me sorta anxious, but his house just looks cozy and inviting

  17. I have a commercial drone that has barely 4 hours of use with a shit ton of accessories that could be useful to your channel. It has all the bells and whistles. A deal you won't find anywhere else.

  18. I absolutely adore this eclectic artwork of a home every detail he created. I would love to spend a weekend reading books eating and walking through all of the greenery.

  19. A home and gardens that I'd want to work on and maintain and enjoy every day. It'd be a pleasure to come home there. Beautiful. The corner window is fabulous, an incredible design. That concept is brilliant. Jaw dropping room after room.

  20. How does organic mean building houses/ annexes of wood, metal, etc then come to be called organic? There seems to be much misuse of the word.

  21. pretty nice to be able to get city petmits for all your property dreams.

  22. I dont know. This whole tour feels like a poet who spends a lot of time describing what we are supposed to get out of their poem. And then the poem is not that great.

  23. Incredible home. This man reminded me of my father, this warmed my heart ty

  24. Interior exterior life is a joke in the northwest!!! I gave up a great job and totally screwed my career my second winter in, I ran out of there back to the south east!!! 10months of cold wet overcast crap!!! And Seattle is nothing but tent junkies anyway and they can be horrible !!! Junkies can spit on cops there and the cops can't do shit about it!!!! Local government has stripped there power from them!!! So if the homeless junkies can treat cops like that !! Imagine whT they can get away with doing to you!!! Seattle smells like human piss everywhere you go!!!!!!

  25. I'm loving all these inspirations this channel gives me. Thank you for all these videos. It's also so wonderful that you guys create these often with the entire family. God bless y'all!!

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