Backyard Garden

#40 – Jim Steele: “Wrong analyses produce bad remedies”

Jim has a Master’s degree in ecology from San Francisco State University where he was appointed the Director of its Sierra Nevada Field Campus. He served in that capacity for 25 years, building its environmental education program and researching the effects of regional climate change on bird populations as part of the Sierra Nevada Neotropical Migratory Bird Riparian Habitat Monitoring project for the United States Forest Service. Jim’s research culminated in the successful restoration of the Carman Creek watershed and its wildlife. In addition to lecturing at the university, he also taught science at inner-city schools.
“Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism”
Slide references:
1. Slide with 34% USA cooling weather stations from: Influence of Urban Heating on the Global Temperature Land Average using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classification_Wickham_2013

2. Cherry-picked increase in wildfires since 1950 from NASA :

3. Oregon Fire History since 1911 from Oregon Department of Forestry Wildfires 1911-2019

4. Southwest fires since 1700 from: Historical Fire Regime Patterns in the Southwestern United States_Swetnam_1999

5. Average drought 48 contiguous states from EPA:

6. California droughts since 1700 using Blue Oak tree rings from: How unusual is the 2012–2014 California drought?_Griffin_2014

7. Net Heat Flux into/out of the oceans from: OCEANOGRAPHIC TOPICS | Thermohaline Circulation Huang (2015), in Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences (Second Edition)

8. Lost the citation for the illustration of the Arctic Ocean warm Atlantic water layer but similar illustrations are found in many publications such as: Arctic Ocean Surface Energy Flux and the Cold Halocline in Future Climate Projections Metzner (2020)

9. Map of warming Arctic Ocean winter temperatures vs cooling North America and Eurasia from: Recent Arctic amplification and extreme mid-latitude weather_Cohen_2014

10. Graph of Holocene ice cover from a post by Paul Homewood on WUWT. It has links to a few published studies with similar data concluding Arctic Ocean had much less ice for most of the Holocene.

11. Map of Danish sea ice in 1936 originally from Danish Meterological Institute but not easily found there now However a NOAA site references these maps

12. Arctic Ocean currents from: Toward Quantifying the Increasing Role of Oceanic Heat in Sea Ice Loss in the New Arctic_Carmack_2015

13. NAO & AMOC effects on Atlantic ocean heat transport into Arctic: The North Atlantic Oscillation as a driver of rapid climate change in the Northern Hemisphere Delworth (2015)

14. Illustrations regards ocean skin surface and greenhouse IR absorption from a few studies: Near-surface oceanic temperature gradients_Minnet_Kaiser_2012; The Response of the Ocean Thermal Skin Layer to Variations in Incident Infrared Radiation_Wong_2018
Tom Nelson’s Twitter:
About Tom:
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails:


  1. Thank you, Tom. You have been talking to many of the most eminent people who are climate realists over the last few months. They have all been excellent, factual, with no hyperbole. I despair of the Main Stream Media who never ask these persons for their opinion. William Happer and Richard Lindzen are very respected scientists in their fields yet they are ignored. There must be one or two billionaires who haven't drunk the Kool-Aid to support the alternative point of view.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Another really great interview. It really added a whole new dimension, the dynamics, to my understanding.

  3. I love all the podcasts but I found this one especially fascinating, particularly around the ocean heating and how Ocean circulation is affecting temperatures in the Arctic. Any chance of a link to Jim's slides?

  4. I have sent the link to this presentation to a couple of UK school heads. With COP27 underway and climate zealots from Just Stop Oil & Extinction Rebellion scaring kids witless I feel it's important that students get the opportunity to see/hear from a different perspective to the media narrative they're constantly fed. I just hope the schools teach the students "How to think", not "What to think"!

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