

Patti does some hard work and gets the Mountain Farm Garden up and growing!!


  1. Check out Roberts channle!!!

    Link to the gofundme that Robert was awesome enough to start for my PTSD walk on the Appalachian Trail.

    DONATE TO THE BEST FAMILY HOMESTEAD (donations for the next 8 weeks got to support the Walk to Live on the Appalachian Trail)


    Best Family Homestead
    PO Box 206
    Waverly Hall, Georgia 31831


  3. I love when you do videos. Your voice is so soothing and you are a wealth of information. Your family is truly blessed to have you

  4. Thanks for showing how you plant your garden, valuable information, it has been an odd summer, weeds seem to grow faster than the plants you want

  5. I use a hoop hoe too, Patti. It looks a lot like yours. It is great for weeding. Bless you. We've used Preen some, not for a long time. It's a pre-emergent. Will get the roots before they leaf out. We used it on our slopes (we live on a hill) so the ground cover wouldn't have weed competition. I'm not sure what the half-life is, but surely that would have degraded by now. Maybe adding some compost to the herb and flower gardens would help.

  6. I’ve been trying to to keep up with your videos but I’ve been busy working on some of my DIY projects. So sorry I’ve missed a few. Your garden looks really good. Thanks for that info about tomatoes. What you do with lower leaves makes a lot of sense.
    My heart goes out to you n to Pops in the loss of your youngest son. I definitely feel your heartache n pain. I lost my oldest son 33 yrs ago. He was 2 wks of being 19 from a car accident. I too have those months that hit me a lot harder n memories over whelm me. You will always feel that pain of loss n life continues to move on. I’ve heard of that Preen n you might be right about what it has done to the soil I use a organic fertilizer called Fertrell.
    I don’t know if you have it in N. Carolina. If you don’t let me know. I’d be glad to send it to you. That stuff goes along way .
    Need to get back with you about that painting you did. So I’ll message you about it.
    Hope you’ll be able to get all your projects done, starting with your self. Be good to yourself Patti. I’ll be thinking of you from one Mama to another.

  7. I loved my garden when it came to harvesting, but the time put into the garden before was not something I looked forward too. It was too hot, too backbreaking, too buggy, too weedy. So can you guess, I now just buy my fruits and vegetables…lol. I am glad you enjoy it.

  8. I Love your farm, Patti, the geese are getting big. Ryan will have to learn he is not the only one now. .with my small garden, I mixed the soil with egg shells and coffee last year, and covered it lightly with newspaper and let it set over the fall and winter, and this year, More egg shells with manure, and mixed the soil, and I had dill and something else, that escapes me currently but it is growing back, so I just let it this year. I do have some red bell peppers in the garden area and a plant of the Cherokee Tomato, which is growing, but not blooming. We also have a clay soil here, since the community we live in use to be TWO large farms that back in the 70's. also added a mixture of Hydrogen peroxide and water to all the plants that I have, and it seemed top help a bit. I did NOT know about pinching off the smaller leaves on the tomatos, I will have to try that, cause they are getting tall and leggy but not much flowers if at all, and thinking I planted them too late here in Upper Northeast Illinois. On the Losing your child. I personally have not, BUT my baby brother whom just turned 48 lost his older son last year, and it was very hard on him. He is dealing, but he went though that dark spell again this year, as well. I am glad that since finding him and meeting him back in 2028, that he knows and is comfortable to come to me, when he is down and I can talk to him about it and get him out of the darkness, sort to speak. He has a tattoo in memory of him, and I have one to honor my baby brother, Erich, and another to honor my brother in a way, I do understand. Gentle hugs to you both.

  9. Patti –

    Preen is an extended weed killer/preventer which can stop weeds, etc. growing for over 6 months or more depending on how much was applied to the soil.

  10. Loved seeing you plant your garden. Ryan's the boss! God bless you. My brother Chuck was army. He fought in desert storm and in Iraq. He was injured in a helicopter crash. He's had a long road to recovery. Will have back pain as long as he lives I guess. They've tried various treatments. Anyway God bless

  11. Save Mother Earth 🌎 Save Our Soil Go Organic! The chemical companies have gotten our farmers dependent on chemical fertilizers that have damaged our soil and now rather than punishing these corporations for the damage that has been done governments are going after the farmers. Look at what is happening in the Netherlands and Sri Lamka. This is a corporate land grab that will end in more processed garbage food sold to consumers. Farmers need time to change their farming methods, it doesn’t happen overnight. This is all part of the “Great Reset”.
    GMO foods laced with RoundUp doesn’t sound nutritious to me. 🤢
    Rather than using chemical fertilizers, enrich your garden soil each year with organic compost, it will help control the weeds as well.
    Happy Gardening! 🥬🧅🫑🌶🍓🥦🥕

  12. Glad to see you again Patti. I put up cowboy candy and pepper jelly today. Hope your peppers and tomatoes do good.🥰

  13. Patty, those awful unattractive ducks! Run them off. I don’t see any useful purpose for them.
    Target practice is what they are. The place is looking fine and your efforts are visible all around. It’s good to see you. More often would be nice

  14. Love your videos…you sure do work hard…miss my veggie gardens…to old to manage them anymore by myself…love your farm and all the videos of your family that you share…you are one lucky woman…so envious…wishing you continued good luck and good health to you all…

  15. I have grown up around gardening in indiana have never heard of a hoop hoe…looking into it now!!! ❤️ your garden and your land…what a view!!!❤️❤️❤️

  16. Patti, I love it when you do a video. You’re close to my age and I feel like we would have a lot in common. Thanks for sharing your feelings about your sons. I appreciate your positive attitude about what is. Best wishes

  17. Patti I just love watching you and Poppa Hugh’s videos!! Please stay with us and continue allowing us to be part of your life. Blessings to you always!!

  18. Ms. Patti, your garden is coming along nicely. It's never too late to plant a garden. To me, it's so therapeutic to dig in the dirt, then watch it grow and become bountiful. Nothing better 😎. listening to you talk about your dear sweet son brought tears to my eyes, my friend. You'll see him again at the gates of heaven 😍

  19. I don’t know when this was filmed, but it sure seems it is awfully late to be planting. Watching here in late July. Am I missing something?

  20. Once you use Prien you can no longer put seeds in the ground where that was. They won’t grow, you have to use plants starts, I don’t think it’s a good idea!

  21. Your a hard worker mama and we love watching and hearing whatever you have going on, keep the videos coming

  22. We lost a son in 91. I fully agree with you and love you even though we have never met. Bless you and yours. Leta

  23. Patti, you are such a natural with these videos. You have the perfect voice. I could never imagine losing a child and the pain that comes with that. I do believe that even though our loved ones are no longer with us in the living, they will always be with us in spirit.

  24. Patty -I appreciate your sincerity at this time remembering your son who has gone to new adventures in heaven’s life.
    Agree i am glad Aaron is safe away from his healing walk.
    I hope all will be well for dear Aaron.
    I get a kick out of Papa Hugh♥️He sure can grow on a person, even though I don’t know him
    Patty I always welcome yu when I see your videos♥️♥️Sending u blessings

  25. Here I sit on this bean pole watching a lady chop weeds to relaxing music. 😆❤️. Love from Kentucky

  26. I know what you mean. We started our garden very late. I have been struggling to keep it alive. I finally put sheets up over our back garden area. It has kept a lot of the seedlings from burning up. I lost several seedlings when early in the planting the sun was so very hot. After I put up the sheets, the rest actually started growing. I have had a problem getting things to grow this year. It is growing way different from the years before. This is most definitely a weird growing season and we are in Oklahoma! Strange that we would both be experiencing problems with our gardens.

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