
Sonic Frontiers – Before You Buy

Sonic Frontiers (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S/One, Nintendo Switch) is an open world Sonic adventure with a new…”spin”. Let’s talk.
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  1. Really appreciate you stating that for the review you had a lukewarm experience in some cases. I rarely ever see that acknowledged.

  2. i think that's the real problem, this feels like the starting point of something good, like a good beta

  3. definitely gonna get the switch veresion, it seems like the pop in is just as bad on the ps5 so why not

  4. It's sad how low the bar has dropped for 3D Sonic. Sega has starved the fans so hard that they claim this to be "Sonics Mario Odyssey".

  5. Sonic is weird as it's one of those few media franchises that we make very special rules for.

    Like if Oddysey, Breath of the Wild or Halo 4 were the first games of those franchises to have ever come out we would still think they're great or good.

    Heck if there had never been a Command & Conquer game before C&C Tiberium 4 or if there had never been a Battlefield before 2042 we would at least see them as competently made games, even if they are boring and not worth playing.

    Be honest, if you'd never heard of Sonic would you look at this and say "this is a good game"? Would the pop in be acceptable? The artistic direction? Physics? Gameplay?

    Why do we make all these excuses for a franchise that apparently hasn't had a good game in decades? That has apparently been making bad games much longer than the good or even vaguely okay ones?

  6. For me the game is an absolute success. Story is excellent but ignorable if you don't care, speeding around is great, combat is satisfying as hell, and there's plenty to explore and see. Any problems are mostly nitpicks and nothing to do with the core of the game's enjoyment.

    Easy 9/10 for me, I can't wait to see what comes next.

  7. Ok I think I'll finally play a modern Sonic game. It sounds like it's finally worth my time.

  8. Sonic adventure 2 is my favorite, story line was cool and they seemed to nail it aside from a few quirks, excited to play Sonic Frontiers

  9. I’m glad I played and bought frontiers before I heard the bias opinions on this game when I base my opinions on an objective analysis

  10. Is everyone paid to like this game it looks like shit to me it looks like an asset dump onto a boring grass map. The map that you use looks like ms paint. Like a cash grad with no effort put into it

  11. legitimately thought the opening footage for this video was just elden ring modded to have a sonic model in it

  12. the first major boss broke on my first two attempts XD first he somehow Knocked me out of bounds and the secound time his AI bugged and he lost the ability to attack or taker damage

  13. This is the best sonic game in forever. Characters get more screen time allowing for character personalities to stand out. The combat feels good with every enemy. Yes it has that open world feel but why would that be a bad thing? The fact you claim to be a sonic fan and got bored at any point means you are not a real fan. The connections to older games from the egg memos and story scenes are pure awesome. The music is top tier and gets you pumped for the stages amd bosses like they used to before colors. Yes there are problems, I have run into a few but this is a perfect way for a good recovery of the series. I have been a fan all my life and after forces I was ready to stop but this game fixed that issue

  14. Hot take: Make it have more boosts and landmarks/structures. As a person who plays somewhat some open world games, this game looks awful when it comes to notable landmarks. Haven’t played it, but the gameplay I’ve seen it looks… dull. But dude, add a neighbourhood or some more ruined buildings.

  15. About to be on the last island. I'd give the game an 8.5 out of 10. Really fun and I'm having a blast! A few issues. I wish the game would explicitly tell me things. Like the Wyvern fight. I had the HARDEST time with that fight until I accidentally discovered that parry can be HELD DOWN. That changed everything. Or the timed free-fall sections. Didn't know I could hold boost to fall faster. I did eventually see the parry thing on a loading screen but it was WAY after the fact. Open world is a lil empty and there isn't much incentive to collect every single memory medal on each island as getting a few hundred from fishing will get you through the entire game. But overall, I'm having a blast with this game and I hope there's a sequel because if they improve upon this we could eventually get a 3D game that rivals Mania!

  16. Okay okay okay so after watching this I bought the game, and I can outright tell you that in my experience the game controls like hot garbage in the levels and is mostly good in the open world but there are ton of times I got those 'Sonic moments' where you just fly off the stage.

  17. Unfortunately I just don't like open world games enough. I could probably beat Borderlands 2 if I tried, but I tend to get really bored with bloated games.

  18. Even with the mixed reviews, this has been one of the better received games as of late for the franchise. I'm hoping that they can take this and improve on it.

  19. I haven't played it yet but from the gameplay reminds me of SM64

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